The Long Section Plot - Urban Results
    • 21 Sep 2022
    • 4 Minutes to read

    The Long Section Plot - Urban Results

    Article summary

    The Long Section (Urban Results) window is accessed via the Long Section button on the Results tab (when in 1D Urban selection mode).

    Alternatively, this is accessed via the right-click menu (from the map or network table) of a selected node/link.

    The window not only contains options related to visualising the plot, but also displays the plot itself. The top Toolbar includes a button to access the Quick-Edit Tool, and additional functionality is also available via the right-click menu.


    Result file selection

    The Results field displays results being plotted in the chart. If results for the simulation associated to the urban network are available, these will automatically populate this field. If no results are available, this field will be blank (and the chart will plot the underlying elevation data only).

    The button to the right of the Results field opens a standard Windows file explorer window to browse to results (.out) files. When a new results file is selected, the Results field will be automatically updated.

    Node selection

    Start Node

    This dropdown field contains the first node of the Long Section plot. By default, it will be automatically filled based on selected nodes (in the map view or in the 1D Urban Network panel), or the first of your network if no nodes were selected when the plot was opened.

    End Node

    This dropdown field contains the last node of the Long Section plot. By default, it will be automatically filled based on selected nodes (in the map view or in the 1D Urban Network panel), or the last node of your network if no nodes were selected when the plot was opened.


    This button refreshes the plot displayed after start and/or end nodes have been adjusted.

    The Links in Profile list (please see below) shows the links included in the route of the plot. This updates automatically when the Plot button is clicked.

    Time range selection


    This dropdown field displays the date of the Long Section plot currently displayed. A horizontal scrollbar beneath this field indicates where in the simulation this value occurs. By default this value will be 0 (the start of the simulation).

    Time of Day

    This dropdown field displays the time of the Long Section plot currently displayed. A horizontal scrollbar beneath this field indicates where in the simulation this value occurs. By default this value will be 0 (the start of the simulation).

    Elapsed Time

    This field contains the time after the start of the simulation at which the Long Section plot is currently displayed. By default this value will be 0 (the start of the simulation).

    Animation controls

    From the left-hand-side, the plot animation controls are: Rewind to Start, Play backwards, Pause and Play. The bar provided below the buttons controls the animation speed.

    Profile links

    This list displays all links included in the route of the plot. This updates automatically when the Node Selection - Plot button (please see above) is clicked.

    Quick-Edit functionality

    The button in the top left of the plot window opens the Quick Edit tool for the current plot. This tool provides access to the most common chart editing functions, categorised into different tabs, as follows.


    This tab provides options to turn off/on series included in the plot. When a series is turned off from here, the reference to it will also be removed from the legend. Series can also be turned off on the plot by unticking the relevant checkbox in the legend.


    This tab provides options to set custom ranges and increment step sizes for all axes. You can also edit the axis titles


    This tab provides options to show/hide the chart legend, and change legend location.


    This tab provides options to change colours, line and point styles and edit series titles.


    This tab provides options to customise chart title and sub-title (including option to hide sub-title). The automatic main title describes the type of chart, the simulation period the data are taken from and the node range selected. The automatic sub-titles define the results file locations for each dataset. This is to prevent long series titles in the legend – instead each series has a reference number, e.g. “(1)”, that relates to a results file listed in the sub-title.

    Toolbar functionality

    In addition to the Quick Edit Tool (see above), the chart toolbar also provides the following tools and functions:


    Sends chart display to a nominated printer

    Copy Image to Clipboard

    This copies the image to enable chart insertion into reports

    Copy Data to Clipboard

    This copies the chart data to enable post-processing in other software, e.g. MS Excel

    Export Image

    Saves chart as image file (multiple format options available, e.g. png, jpg, etc.). Save function also allows some customisation, e.g. resolution and extent of image file created. 

    Line Width

    Option to quickly thicken all series lines on chart to aid viewing.

    Show Max HGL

    Checkbox to display maximum hydraulic grade line on the plot.

    Right-click menu functionality

    All 1D urban chart types include a right-click menu with the following options:

    Quick Edit

    This opens the Quick-Edit chart formatting tool. Please see above for futher details.

    Edit Chart/Series 

    This provides access to the full suite of chart formatting tools to create a custom chart (note these settings will not all be retained in subsequent charts).


    Options are provided to Print, and to access the Print Setup and Print Preview windows.

    Copy Image to Clipboard

    This copies the image to enable chart insertion into reports

    Copy Data to Clipboard

    This copies the chart data to enable post-processing in other software, e.g. MS Excel

    Export Image

    Saves chart as image file (multiple format options available, e.g. png, jpg, etc.). Save function also allows some customisation, e.g. resolution and extent of image file created. 

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