- 24 Oct 2024
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Outputs in Simulations
- Updated on 24 Oct 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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Alongside the option to export data from Gauge stations to use in your simulations, Hydrology+ also offers options for using the outputs from calculation points as inputs to simulations.
Hydrology+ outputs
The following data can be output from calculation points:
ReFH2 analysis: use the design rainfall as input to 2D simulations
Reconciled hydrographs: use these as flow input to 1D river simulations and 2D simulations
Both of these datasets are .csv format and can be used as input data with no manual adjustments.
Using ReFH2 data in 2D simulations
Export a ReFH2 analysis output from a calculation point using the Export ReFH2 to csv button under the ReFH2 tab. This is displayed under each analysis version listed on the ReFH2 tab of the calculation point.
To add this to a 2D simulation:
Create the 2D simulation as usual and in the Domains tab, in the Rainfall/infiltration subtab, add the shapefile representing the rainfall boundary.
Select the radio button Hydrology+ ReFH2 rainfall and select your exported ReFH2 .csv file.
In the drop-downs provided, select the Return period and Rainfall type of interest.
Click OK to save the boundary to the simulation.
Additional information on 2D modelling is provided in the 2D modelling articles.
Using reconciled hydrographs in 1D river simulations
Export a reconciled hydrograph library from a calculation point using the Export Hydrograph button. This is available on the Hydrograph library tab of the calculation point.
To add this to a 1D river simulation:
Create the 1D simulation as usual and in the Files tab, in the Flow-time series data section, click Add and select your exported reconciled hydrograph .csv file.
In the drop-downs provided, select the Node label of the flow boundary at which hydrographs will be applied.
The 1D boundary that will be overridden by the .csv must have the checkbox Allow event parameter override checked on. This setting is on by default for all boundaries.
In the drop-downs provided, select the Epoch, Return period and Storm duration of interest.
Click Save to save the boundary to the simulation.
If a model has multiple 1D flow boundaries, hydrograph libraries can be applied to each by adding additional CSV files. Hydrographs profiles (return period, epoch, etc) are specified per boundary rather than globally.
Additional information on using flow-time .csv files in 1D river simulations can be found in this article on Using flow-time series datafiles.
Using reconciled hydrographs in 2D simulations
Export a reconciled hydrograph library from a calculation point using the Export Hydrograph button. This is available on the Hydrograph library tab of the calculation point.
To add this to a 2D simulation:
Create the 2D simulation as usual and in the Domains tab, in the Boundary Conditions subtab, add the shapefile representing the boundary at which the hydrograph has been calculated.
Select the radio button H+ (Hydrology+) hydrograph file and select your exported reconciled hydrograph .csv file.
In the drop-downs provided, select the Epoch, Return period and Storm duration of interest.
Click OK to save the boundary to the simulation.
Additional information on 2D modelling is provided in the 2D modelling articles.