Technical Reference
    • 01 Nov 2022
    • 1 Minute to read

    Technical Reference

    Article summary

    This is the technical reference section of the manual. For information about using Flood Modeller, we recommend browsing to the How to section instead.


    The default layout of the Flood Modeller Graphical User Interface (GUI) is shown above. Each component of the GUI can be moved to a different location (Dockable Work Canvas) and even onto a different screen if you use several monitors (Multi Monitor Support).

    Please navigate this section via the contents on the left or the links below.


    The top toolbar ribbon is split into various categories for ease of use. The Home tab is always shown by default. Tabs at the top enable switching between the following:

    Start tab

    Home tab

    1D river build tab

    1D urban build tab

    2D build tab

    Hydrology tab

    Map tools tab

    Simulation tab

    Results tab

    The final tab is the Layer editor tab, however this is not shown by default. In order to open this tab, you must right-click on a layer in the Layers panel and select Start Edit from the drop-down menu.


    By default, the left-hand panel group consists of two panels as follows:

    Project panel

    Layers panel

    The right-hand panel group contains the other available panels. Tabs at the bottom enable switching between the following:

    River network panel

    River nodes panel

    Urban network panel

    Toolbox panel

    Timesteps panel

    Error and diagnostics panel

    Map view

    The centre of the interface displays the Map view (by default). Tabs at the top enable for switching between the map view, simulation grid view and Catalogue view.

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