Error messages
    • 08 Aug 2024
    • 77 Minutes to read

    Error messages

    Article summary

    This section lists the diagnostics messages that may be produced by the Flood Modeller 2D simulation engine. Similar to the 1D diagnostics, it provides information about potential issues encountered during simulations.

    The messages fall into the following categories:

    • Pre-processing error messages: These messages occur during the initial data preparation phase. They might relate to invalid input data, missing files, or incorrect settings.
    • General error messages: These are broad error messages that don’t fit into specific subcategories. They could be related to numerical stability, algorithm convergence, or unexpected behaviour.
    • Writing error messages: These messages pertain to issues encountered while writing simulation results to output files. They might involve file permissions, disk space, or file format compatibility.
    • File error messages: These errors specifically relate to input or output files. They could involve missing files, corrupted data, or incorrect file paths.
    • Link error messages: Link errors occur when connecting 2D elements (such as channels, bridges, or culverts) fails. These might be due to incorrect connectivity settings or invalid link parameters.
    • GPU error messages: These messages are specific to GPU (graphics processing unit) computations. They might indicate issues with GPU availability, memory allocation, or compatibility.

    Possible causes are given as well as, where appropriate, the remedial action that should be taken to attempt to cure the error.

    If you require further technical help please contact the support team.

    Pre-processing Error Messages

    MessageDescriptionRecommended action

    Model required Double Precision version of the 2D solver

    The single-precision executable is called to run a double-precision simulation.

    The double precision executable should be called to run a double-precision simulation. It may occur when a simulation is launched using the command prompt incorrectly.

    ERROR: The FAST/FAST Dynamic scheme specified in the input file is not supported by the ADI/TVD solver. EXITING.

    The error occurs when a FAST/FAST Dy simulation is launched using the executables ISIS2D.exe/ISIS2D_DP.exe.

    Use FAST.exe or FASTDy.exe to launch a FAST or a FASTDy respectively. This error may occur when a simulation is launched using the command prompt incorrectly.

    Error: Links between FAST solver and multiple 1D flow models are not supported.

    This error will occur when a 2D simulation is set with links between a FAST/FASTDy model and multiple 1D flow models.

    Reconfigure the simulation keeping in mind that FAST and FASTDy can be linked to a single 1D flow model.

    Error: Links between FAST solver and 1D Urban flow models are not supported

    This error will occur when a 2D simulation is set with links between a FAST/FASTDy model and 1D Urban.

    Reconfigure the simulation keeping in mind that FAST and FASTDy can be linked to 1D River models only.

    Memory allocation error error code. Check memory usage; Program STOPPING.

    This error may occur during development when memory is allocated to some block of data.

    If this is experienced by a user, then try to reduce the size of the model input data.

    Error - calling safeAryCp with a source larger than the destination, EXITING

    This error may occur during development when memory is allocated to some block of data.

    If this is experienced by a user, then try to reduce the size of the model input data.

    ERROR: can't find CELLSIZE or DX in file filename. Check file for correct format. EXITING.

    The error will occur when reading raster data and the format of the input file is not the expected one.

    Modify the ASCII file ensuring data have been written in the correct format. Ensure that the grid resolution is specified following the keyword CELLSIZE or DX.

    Error: no NODATA_VALUE in file: filename. Stopping

    The error will occur when reading raster data and the format of the input file is not the expected one.

    Modify the ASCII file ensuring data have been written in the correct format. Ensure that a no-data value is specified following the keyword NODATA_VALUE.

    Error occurred while writing time from embedded structures to the csv file (could not convert real value to character, Fortran error status = error code)"

    A unrealistically high/low value needs to be converted to a character sequence. This may occur when the simulation develops to become unsteady or embedded-structures settings need to be adjusted.

    Inspect the settings of the embedded units. Check grid data for (a) steep bed elevation changes at the 2D cells upstream/downstream of the structure, and (b) missing grid data (no-data values for bed elevation or spatially varying roughness coefficient); correct/fill the missing data or transfer the embedded structure as appropriate. Mass balance check should detect flow instabilities and stop the simulation before this error occurs. Intended for development purposes.

    Error: The file  filename is opened by an external process. Please close the file and try again - aborting.

    The simulation is set to save results from flow through embedded structures and 2D engine tries to open the specified csv file while the file is open for other applications.

    Ensure the file is closed and not used by other application(s).

    Error: no 1D units have been embedded into the 2D domains of the simulation - aborting.

    The xml reader found that 1D structures should have been embedded to a 2D domain but the number count by shape/structure files is not greater than 0.

    Ensure information provided with shape and structure files is correct.

    Not likely to happen if the UI is used for generating the files (shapefiles + .str file) detailing the properties of the embedded structures. Intended for development purposes.

    Error while identifying the unit with ascending number unit number.

    The 2D engine is unable to match the labels of the 1D units listed in the str file and the labels of the structures listed in the shapefile.

    Ensure information provided with shape and structure files is correct.

    Error occurred while embedding the structure label from file shape file name to domain #domain ID: negative distribution factor values has been specified (positive values must be used).

    A negative distribution factor has been defined in the shape file with structures embedded to a 2D domain.

    Ensure that the value of the distribution factor for all structures embedded to a 2D domain is greater or equal to 0.

    Error occurred while embedding the culvert 'label' from file file name to domain: #domain ID: error description.

    Error occurred while trying to get data about an embedded culvert between the associated structure and shape file. There is a problem with the structure or the grid data (problem description is provided by the error message).

    Ensure information provided with the structure files is correct, the data format follows guidelines for 1D network files (.str), and that the file is of the correct format. Avoid placing embedded structures at locations where data are missing or where it may lead to unrealistic flow conditions.

    Error occurred while embedding the weir 'label' from file file name to domain #domain ID: error description.

    Error occurred while trying to get data about an embedded weir between the associated structure and shape file. There is a problem with the structure or the grid data (problem description is provided by the error message).

    Ensure information provided with the structure files is correct, the data format follows guidelines for 1D network files (.str), and that the file is of the correct format. Avoid placing embedded structures at locations where data are missing or where it may lead to unrealistic flow conditions.

    Error occurred while embedding a culvert (or orifice/weir) structure to domain #domain ID: could not locate a unit with the label 'label' in the structure property file (.str) related to the units contained in the file: filename.

    The 2D engine cannot find a unit in the structure file (.str) with the specific label provided by the associated shape fle.

    Ensure that the structure file (.str) contains unit(s) with the label(s) specified by the associated shape file.

    Culvert (or orifice) @ label "label" upstream and downstream sections are not within an 2D active area.

    One or both ends of an embedded culvert/orifice are placed outside the given active areas.

    Ensure that the first and final points of the polyline that represents the embedded culvert orifice are placed within an active area.

    Weir @ label "label" upstream and downstream sections are not within an 2D active area.

    The 2D cells upstream and/or downstream of an embedded weir section are placed outside the given active areas.

    Ensure that the layer of 2D cells that are upstream and/or downstream the polyline that represents a weir's cross-section belong to an active area.

    File not found - program aborting. or Error: file not found.

    This error will appear after 2D engine has tried to access a file that does not exist. The name of the file has been logged in the line prior the current one.

    Ensure the file name logged in the leading line exists.

    Error opening shapefile file name - stopping.

    An unspecified error occurred while opening a shape file provided with the simulation settings: some of the associated files may be missing or the data of the file(s) may have been be corrupted.

    Check that the dBase database file (.dbf) and the definitions file (.shx) are placed in the same folder with the shape file (.shp) and they have the same name with the shape file (excluding the file extension); verify the shape file data are correct.

    ERROR: error reading shapefile filename stopping.

    An unspecified error occurred while reading a shapefile.

    Check the shape file and verify its contents.


    ERROR: shapefile filename does not contain any lines, stopping.

    The associated shape file contains no polyline shapes.

    Check the shape file and verify its contents.

    No shape files have been found for network str filename of embedded 1D units in domain domain ID - program aborting.

    The 2D engine expects to read a shapefile with the name of the structure (.str) file but it cannot find it.

    Make sure that the files with the embedded structure details (.str and .shp/.dbf/.shx files) have the same name (excluding the file extension) and they are placed in the same folder. It is not likely to happen if the UI is used for generating the files (shapefiles + .str file) detailing the properties of the embedded structures. Intended for development purposes.

    ERROR: no outputs defined - stopping.

    No outputs have been set in the simulation control file.

    Make sure that at least one type of 2D output(s) has been set.

    ERROR: 1D link specified, but the shape file  name is missing from linked 1D network #link number - stopping.

    The 2D engine could not read the name of the link shape file (.shp) from the 2D-simulation control file (.xml) or no file has been provided for this link.

    Make sure the name of the link shapefile (.shp) in the 2D simulation control file (.xml) is not empty.

    ERROR: A link to a 1D model has been specified, but the name of the control file (.ief/.inp) is missing - stopping.

    The 2D engine could not read the name of the 1D simulation control-file (.ief/.inp) from the 2D-simulation control file (.xml) or no such file has been provided for this link.

    Make sure the name of the 1D simulation control file in the 2D simulation control file is not empty.

    Error: The filename of the Flows summary output with linked 1D network network number is too long - stopping.

    The name of the file where the link mass balance summary is written is larger than 512 characters.

    Make sure the name of the link mass balance summary file is smaller than 512 characters.

    ERROR: The procedure procedure name of the library library name was not found - stopping.

    The 2D engine cannot load a necessary procedure from the specific dynamic library.

    Make sure the correct version of the library exists in Flood Modeller bin folder, and that the program has been installed correctly. Re-install if necessary.

    ERROR: The library library name was not found - stopping.

    The 2D engine cannot locate a necessary dynamic library. If the library is missing, the bin folder has been corrupted. If the library is not missing then the dynamic libraries required to correctly load any DLL are missing or have been corrupted.

    Make sure that Flood Modeller has been installed correctly and re-install if necessary.

    WARNING: Negative depths were seen in the domain before the model had even started running.

    The 2D engine found cells where water depth is negative during the initial mass-balance check.

    Inspect the initial-condition input files and correct values of initial water elevation where water elevation is lower than bed elevation or initial water depth where water depth is negative.

    ERROR: Can't open file for flow lines output - check folder exists. EXITING.

    "Flow Lines" has been requested as output and an unspecified error occurred when opening the output file.

    Check the directory of the file exists.

    ERROR: opening flow line output file filename (possibly open in another application) - stopping.

    "Flow Lines" has been requested as output and 2D engine could not open the output file because it is open by another application.

    Ensure the file is closed and not used by other application(s).

    ERROR - Segment of flow line starting at x, y is shorter than cell size of dx.

    "Flow Lines" has been requested as output and the polyline used to define the location of the Flow Line contains segment(s) whose length is smaller than the 2D domain resolution.

    Edit the shape file to ensure that the length of the segments that compose a Flow Line is larger than the cell size of the 2D domain.

    ERROR - part of flow line outside of computational grid (domain , domain number)

    "Flow Lines" has been requested as output and part(s) of the polyline(s) used to specify a Flow Line is outside the model's grid.

    Edit the shape file to ensure that all parts of the shapes used to specify a Flow Line output is within a 2D active area.

    ERROR: Can't open restart file filename - check file exists. EXITING.

    The filename given in the error description cannot be opened.

    Make sure that the file is not used by any other application.

    ERROR: restart file not found - check file exists. EXITING.

    The filename given in the error description was not found.

    Make sure the filename is correct.

    ERROR: Restart file array size does not match model - stopping

    The size of the computational grid read by the saved state of the flow model (restart point) and the grid size read from the restart file do not match.

    Make sure the correct data set is provided as a restart point. Check the information provided with the restart file.

    ERROR: problem reading restart file - check file is of correct type. EXITING.

    A 2D model is set to start a simulation from a previous state using a restart file but an error occurred while reading date, time, number of rows or number of columns from the restart file.

    Check the format of the data written to the restart file.

    ERROR: Computational area file name too long - stopping.

    The error will occur when an active or de-active areas (for any 2D model), or land use (FAST/FASTDy) is used and the length of one of the associated file is larger than expected.

    Provide a filename that is less than 512 characters long.

    ERROR: Don't understand file extension file extension for active area - stopping.

    The error will occur when a file for defining an active area has been provided but it has not any of the following file extensions: ".asc", ".shp" or ".circle".

    Define active area using an ASCII file format or a shapefile format.

    ERROR: Can't read raster file name for computational area - stopping.

    An unspecified error occurred when trying to read the file given in the error description.

    Make sure the file can be read and that is not used by other application(s)

    ERROR: Unsupported active area file type - check file format. EXITING. Or ERROR: Active area shapefile must be polygon - check shapefile type. EXITING.

    The error occurs when a shape file for active area is provided with a 2D flow model, but the shape is not of the polygon type.

    Make sure the filename is correct and that the shapefile is of the polygon type.

    ERROR: Unsupported de-active area file type - check file format. EXITING. Or ERROR: De-active area shapefile must be polygon - check shapefile type. EXITING.

    The error occurs when a shape file for de-active area is provided with a 2D flow model, but the shapefile is not of the polygon type.

    Make sure the filename is correct and that the shapefile is of the polygon type.

    ERROR: Can't read shapefile file name for computational area - stopping.

    The error occurs when a shape file is provided with a 2D flow model for active area and an unspecified error occurred when reading the file.

    Make sure the file can be read and that is not used by other application(s).

    ERROR: Can't read shapefile file name for de-active area - stopping.

    The error occurs when a de-active area is specified for a 2D flow model, it is a shapefile and an unspecified error occurred when reading the file.

    Make sure the file can be read and that is not used by other application(s).

    ERROR: Don't understand file extension file extension for de-active area - stopping (Note: only shape file is accepted for the moment).

    The error will occur when a file for defining a de-active area has been provided but it has not .shp file extension.

    Define de-active area using a shapefile format.

    ERROR: problem resampling topography onto grid - stopping.

    The error occurred while resampling the grid data according to the active/de-active area specification, the resolution and the rotation of the computational grid.

    Modify input data by resampling the grid to match the specifications of the computational grid may help (e.g. resample grid or rotate grid).

    ERROR: problem resampling initial conditions onto grid - stopping.

    The error occurred while resampling the initial conditions grid data to enforce the resolution and rotation specified by the user for the computational grid.

    Modify input data by resampling the initial conditions data to agree with the resolution and rotation of the computational grid.

    ERROR: can't create computational grid - stopping. Or ERROR: Problem reading data for computational area in XML file - stopping.

    Insufficient data have been provided or a problem occurred while resampling grid data for any of the following features: topography, active area, or de-active area.

    Check simulation settings for the following features as appropriate: topography, active area or de-active area.

    ERROR: Can't read boundary condition shapefile file name - stopping."

    The 2D engine  cannot read the given shapefile associated to a boundary condition.

    Make sure the file can be read and that is not used by other application(s).

    ERROR: 'Values' field missing from boundary - stopping.

    The timeseries specified for a boundary condition are incomplete, entries may be missing. The simulation control file has been set incorrectly or has been corrupted.

    Check the values that need to be applied as boundary condition(s) to flow properties and ensure constant values are not empty or timeseries are incomplete. Less likely to happen when the simulation control file (.xml) is generated by the UI.

    ERROR: String was too long - stopping.

    The tag used by 2D engine to identify the boundary condition type in the simulation control file (.xml) is empty. The simulation control file has been set incorrectly or has been corrupted.

    Check the xml entry boundary_type is any of the following "waterelevation", "qhbdy", "totalflow", "flowperunitwidth", "verticalflow", "verticalflowperunitwidth", "elevation", or "depth". Less likely to happen when the simulation control file (.xml) is generated by the UI.

    ERROR: No IED file specified - stopping.

    The boundary data are set with a hydrological boundary unit or a time-series file but the file specification in the simulation control file is empty. The simulation control file has been set incorrectly or has been corrupted.

    Check the simulation control file (.xml) and make sure that the correct filename is provided with the entry "boundary_value_type". Less likely to happen when the simulation control file (.xml) is generated by the UI.

    ERROR - Time varying water elevation boundaries are not supported when using the Run Until Peaked option.

    A time-varying water elevation boundary condition has been set in combination with the option of "Run until peaked". This combination is not supported.

    Change the simulation settings ensuring the simulation does not require this combination.

    ERROR - Inflows must end in zero when using the Run Until Peaked option.

    The model is set with the option of "Run until peaked", a time-series for boundary condition data on vertical inflow,  but the boundary condition data value at the final time is not zero.

    Modify the time-series of the boundary condition data ensuring the value at the final time is zero and the final time of the timeseries is smaller than the simulation final time.

    ERROR reading fixed value for boundary - stopping.

    A boundary condition is set with a constant value for boundary condition data but the entry "value" of the element "boundary_conditions" is empty. The simulation control file has been set incorrectly or has been corrupted.

    Ensure the "value" entry under the element "boundary_conditions" of the simulation control file is not empty. Less likely to happen when the simulation control file (.xml) is generated by the UI.

    ERROR reading time series data for boundary - stopping.

    A boundary condition is set with a time-series for boundary condition data but the time series is incomplete. The simulation control file has been set incorrectly or has been corrupted.

    Ensure the complete time-series is specified in the entry "value" under the element "boundary_conditions" of the simulation control file. Less likely to happen when the simulation control file (.xml) is generated by the UI.

    ERROR - Fixed rate inflows are not supported when using the Run Until Peaked option.

    A boundary condition with vertical inflow has been specified for a simulation set to run until peak, simulation time is undefined and a fixed value has been assigned to the vertical inflow of the boundary condition.

    Change the value of the simulation time to a positive number, unopt for running until peak setting, or assign a time series of vertical inflow values to the boundary condition data.

    ERROR reading XY data for boundary - stopping.

    An unspecified error occurred while reading location coordinates of a boundary condition line/point from the simulation control file. The simulation control file (.xml) has been set incorrectly or has been corrupted.

    Check the coordinates provided with the simulation-control file (.xml) are correct and that their format is correct.

    Error: the shapefile file name contains a single point (unsupported) - stopping.

    A point shape file is given in the simulation control settings to specify the location of a boundary condition but it contains a single point.

    Single-point shape files for boundary conditions are not supported. Try to merge information from multiple single-point shape files, if more than one of those are set with the boundary conditions.

    Error allocating array in shapefile file name - stopping.

    An error occurred while allocating memory to data structures used to modify bed elevation based on data that have been provided with the boundary condition settings.

    Less likely to happen. Intended for development purposes.

    Error finding node label in *.ied file. Must be present in shape file''s "NODE" attribute - EXITING

    A hydrology unit file or a time-series file (.ied) is set to specify the boundary condition data along with a shape file to specify the position of the boundary condition. The 2D engine could not match the label of a shape listed under the NODE attribute with a label from the .ied file.

    Check the shape file contains the necessary shapes labelled under the NODE attribute and that the event data files contain the necessary data labelled correctly.

    ERROR: Can't read boundary condition value from file name - stopping.

    An error occurred while reading boundary condition data from an event file (.csv/.dat/.ied).

    Less likely to happen. Intended for development purposes.

    Value/type attribute string error: type of value

    The error occurred while reading the simulation-control file (.xml) for the type of data provided for specifying a rainfall event. The length of the tag used to identify the type of data is greater than the expected length of 250 characters.

    If a tag needs to be set by the user in the simulation control file, make sure it is one of the following "timevar" (for user-entered data), "csv" (for a timeseries file), or "hydrologyunit" (for a hydrology unit file), and its length including white space does not exceed 250 characters. Less likely to happen when the simulation control file (.xml) is generated by the UI.

    Shape file name/length error:  name of shape file

    The error occurred while reading the simulation-control file (.xml) for the shape file used to specify the location a rainfall/infiltration event. The length of the file name exceeds 250 characters.

    Check that the length of the shape file name is not longer than 250 characters (including white space).

    Invalid loss type attribute: loss attribute

    The error occurred while reading the type of infiltration process from the simulation control file (.xml): the type set is not recoginised.

    If a infiltration process needs to be set by the user in the simulation control file, make sure it is one of the following "CN" (for SCS Curve Number method) or "GA" (for Green-Ampt method). Less likely to happen when the simulation control file (.xml) is generated by the UI.

    Missing loss type attribute for file name of loss shape file

    The error occurred while reading the filename of the loss file from simulation control file (.xml) with an infiltration process set by the user for a 2D domain: the value assigned to the element "lossfile" of "hydrology" section is empty.

    Check that the name of the shape file with the infiltration-related data is not empty; one is needed when a 2D domain is set with a Hydrology source/sink of the type "Rainfall & Spatial Loss". Less likely to happen when the simulation control file (.xml) is generated by the UI.

    Lookup file name/length error: file name

    The error occurred while reading the filename of the look-up file set for an infiltration process of the type "Rainfall & Spatial Loss" from the simulation control file (.xml): the length of the file name exceeds 250 characters.

    Check that the name of the look-up file is correct and make sure that its length is shorter than 250 characters.

    Loss shapefile name/length error: file name of loss shape file

    The error occurred while reading the filename of the loss file from the simulation control file (.xml) with a infiltration process set by the user for a 2D domain: the length of the shape file exceeds 250 characters.

    Check that the name of the loss shapefile is correct and make sure that its length is shorter than 250 characters.

    Time series file name/length error: file name of time-series data

    The error occurred while reading the name of the timeseries file (.csv) from the simulation control file (.xml) for a simulation set with a Rainfall event: the length of the timeseries filename exceeds 250 characters.

    Check that the name of the timeseries file is correct and make sure that its length is shorter than 250 characters.

    Hydrology file name/length error: file name of time series data

    The error occurred while reading the name of the hydrology unit file (.ied) from the simulation control file (.xml) for a simulation set with a Rainfall event: the length of the hydrology file exceeds 250 characters.

    Check that the name of the hydrology unit is correct and make sure that its length is shorter than 250 characters.

    ERROR: Maximum number of hydrology sources number exceeded. EXITING

    The error occurs when the number of sources of direct-rainfall read from the shapefiles is lower than the number of event data (user-entered data, timeseries file or hydrology unit file).

    Check that the data provided with rainfall-related event for 2D domain(s). May occur when more than one rainfall event need to be set for a 2D domain.

    ERROR: Problem reading hydrology series for file name. EXITING

    The error occurs when reading user-entered rainfall timeseries from the simulation control file (.xml) for a rainfall event set for a 2D domain of the simulation and a value is missing from the user-entered data.

    Check the rainfall timeseries entered into the control file (.xml). Make the data entered are complete and their format is correct.

    ERROR: Problem reading time series for file name; 'label'; EXITING

    An unspecified error occurred while reading data entries from the control file (.xml) for a rainfall event; the format of the data entries may not be the appropriate one.

    Check the rainfall timeseries entered into the control file (.xml). Make the data entered are complete and their format is correct.

    ERROR: failed to find hydrology source in timeseries file (.csv) name. EXITING

    The error can occur when reading data for a rainfall event and the label used to identify a rainfall source specified by a shapefile was not found in the timeseries file (.csv).

    Make sure that the labels provided with the hydrology shapefile are correct and check the labels of the data provided with the timeseries file to make sure they match the labels of the shapefile. Make sure that all the necessary timeseries have been entered into the timeseries file.

    ERROR: failed to find Flood Modeller hydrology source in timeseries filename (.csv). EXITING

    The 2D engine needs to assign data for a rainfall event to a rainfall area specified with the hydrology shape file, but it cannot match a label from the shapefile to any of the labels of the events provided with the timeseries file.

    Make sure that the labels provided with the hydrology shapefile are correct and check the labels of the data provided with the timeseries file to make sure they match the labels of the shapefile. Make sure that all the necessary timeseries have been entered into the timeseries file.

    ERROR: problem reading hydrology data - possible file positioning error - stopping.

    This error may occur while reading the hydrology unit data: the format of the data written may not be correct or the file has been corrupted.

    Check the format of the hydrology unit data (.ied).

    ERROR: hydrology file filename of wrong type - must be polygon. EXITING.

    The hydrology shapefile used to specify the location of a rainfall event or an infiltration process is not of the polygon type.

    Check the hydrology and loss shapefiles and make sure that the shapes are of the polygon types.

    ERROR: Can't read shapefile filename for source term area - stopping.

    An unspecified error occurred while reading the hydrology shapefile for a rainfall event.

    Verify the contents of the associated hydrology shapefile.

    ERROR: getting hydrology source details at filename.

    An unspecified error occurred while reading the hydrology shapefile.

    Check the name of the shapefile to make sure is not empty and it is not longer than 250 characters.

    ERROR: duplicated node names found in >1 shapefile; hydrology source shapefile filename; label - stopping.

    The error occurred while identifying the area of rainfall event(s), the same label (attribute NODE) is used for more than one rainfall area (shape).

    Make sure that a unique label is assigned to each rainfall area in the hydrology shapefile.

    ERROR: String too long for buffer - stopping.

    The error occurs (a) when the filename or the of an output option (attribute "output_id" of an element "output", in the "output_results" section) or the tag of a output type (attribute "format") in the is longer than 256 characters, (b) if a CSV output is requested and the data entered under the element "xy" or their format are incorrect.

    Make sure (a) that the filename specified for the output data is not longer than 256 characters and check the attribute "format" of every "output" element in the xml file is one of the following types "CSV", "SMS9", XMDF", "NETCDF", "ASCII", "GEOTIFF"; (b) the format of the location data for a point output is correct.

    WARNING: format label is not a valid output format for FAST/FAST Dynamic (use SMS9/NETCDF instead) - skipping.

    The error occurs when the format of output(s) for a FAST/FAST Dynamic simulation is other than SMS9 or NETCDF. The simulation will not stop but outputs of any of the following types will not be produced: "CSV", "XMDF".

    It does not force the simulation to stop.

    ERROR: Mass File name too long - stopping.

    The file name specified for saving the mass balance summary is longer than 256 characters.

    Make sure that the filename of the mass balance summary is not longer than 256 characters.

    ERROR: Problem reading gridfloat raster topography file - check format is correct. EXITING.

    This error may occur while reading topography data from a GridFloat file (.flt) and the format of the data written in the file is not the one expected by the 2D solver, because one of the following attributes may be missing: NCOLS, NROWS, XLLCORNER, YLLCORNER, CELLSIZE, NODATA_VALUE, or BYTEORDER, or the data entries are not enough.

    Verify the contents of the grid-float file.

    ERROR: Problem reading tiff raster topography file - check format is correct. EXITING.

    This error may occur while reading topography data from a tiff raster file (.tiff) and the format of the data written in the file is not the one expected by the 2D solver, because one of the following attributes may be missing: NCOLS, NROWS, XLLCORNER, YLLCORNER, CELLSIZE, NODATA_VALUE, or the data entries are not enough.

    Verify the contents of the tiff raster file.

    ERROR: Problem reading ascii raster topography file - check format is correct. EXITING.

    This error may occur while reading topography data from a tiff raster file (.tiff) and the format of the data written in the file is not the one expected by the 2D solver, because one of the following attributes may be missing: NCOLS, NROWS, XLLCORNER, YLLCORNER, CELLSIZE, NODATA_VALUE, or the data entries are not enough.

    Verify the contents of the ascii file.

    ERROR: problem resampling topography onto grid - stopping.

    This error may occur while reading data from a grid with resolution finer than the resolution of the computational domain and a non-zero rotation angle.

    Process inputs before the simulation to enforce the rotation angle to the grid data, resample topography data to match the cell size of the computational grid, or use topography resolution as the grid's cell size.

    ERROR: can't read dbf topography file unless computational area has been defined - stopping.

    This error may occur while trying to apply bed elevation values from a dBase database file (.dbf) to a grid but no grid data have been specified for a 2D domain.

    Check the simulation's input data and make sure that grid data have been defined through an grid-float (.flt), tiff-raster (.tiff) or an ascii-raster file (.asc).

    ERROR: can't read shp topography file unless computational area has been defined - stopping.

    This error may occur while trying to apply bed elevation values from a shape file (.shp) to a grid but no grid data have been specified for a 2D domain.

    Check the simulation's input data and make sure that grid data have been defined through an grid-float (.flt), tiff-raster (.tiff) or an ascii-raster file (.asc).

    ERROR: can't read attributes from filename - stopping.

    An unspecified error occurred while reading the attribute data from a dBase database file (.dbf).

    Check the .dbf file and verify its contents.

    ERROR: dbf topography file must contain at least N, M, TYPE, ELEVATION data - stopping.

    The error occurred while reading the attribute data from a dBase databease file (.dbf) and data have been missing from the attribute for one of the following attributes "N" (row index), "M" (column index), "TYPE" (point location in the cell, e.g. cell, vertical/horizontal edge), "ELEVATION" (bed elevation data).

    Check the .dbf file and make sure that data are provided for each of the following attributes "N", "M", "TYPE", "ELEVATION".

    ERROR: Fewer than two points in shapefile filename, stopping.

    The error occurred while applying changes to bed elevation grid data from a topography modification shape file that is of the "point" type and contains less than 2 shapes.

    Check the associated shape file and make sure that more than 2 points have been specified in the shape file.

    ERROR: No height or elevation attribute in point shapefile filename, stopping.

    The error occurred while applying changes to bed elevation grid data from a topography modification shape file whose attribute table is empty or has no attributes with the name HEIGHT or ELEVATION.

    Check the associated shape file and verify its contents.

    ERROR: Shapefile filename does not have a point associated at each end - error description

    The error occurred while applying changes to bed elevation grid data from a polyline shape file and the points of the shapefile lines are not close to a grid cell.

    Check the associated shapefile and make sure that its points occur within the grid.

    ERROR: Shapefile filename contains replicate points at error description; stopping

    The error occurred while applying changes to bed elevation grid data from a shape file where more than one points occur in the same grid cell.

    Check the associated shapefile and make sure that no more than one point per grid cell is found.

    Error: XML did not open or validate correctly - check file for errors - STOPPING.

    This error occurs because the 2D solver cannot validate the simulation control file (.xml) according to the schema file (.xsd) of the bin folder in the Flood Modeller installation directory.

    Ensure the schema file is not missing from the bin folder of Flood Modeller's installation directory and make sure that the format of the simulation control file (.xml) is correct.

    The Stop-on-convergence option requires that only one domain be used - Exiting.

    This error occurs when the stop-on-convergence option is selected and the simulation contains more than one 2D domains.

    Reduce the number of 2D domains in the simulation to one, or deactivate the stop-on-convergence option.

    The Stop-on-convergence option does not yet support 1D domains - Exiting

    This error occurs when the stop-on-convergence option is selected and the 2D domain is linked to a 1D flow model.

    Remove the link to the 1D flow model or deactivate the stop-on-convergence option.

    Simulation duration must be longer than the Stop-on-convergence minimum run time - Exiting

    This error occurs when the stop-on-convergence option is selected and the simulation finish time is larger than the minimum run time of the stop-on-convergence option.

    Increase the minimum run time of the stop-on-convergence option to a value higher than the simulation time or descrease the simulation time to a value that is lower than the minimum run time of the stop-on-convergence setting.

    Please specify at least one convergence criterion (volume_comparison_percentage | total_inflow_comparison_percentage | smallest_inflow_comparison_percentage) - Exiting

    This error occurs when the stop-on-convergene option is selected but no criteria have been specified for convergence.

    Check the simulation control file (.xml) and make sure that a criterium is set for solution convergence.

    ERROR: Log file name too long - stopping.

    The length of the simulation's log file is larger than 250 characters.

    Check the name of the logfile and make sure its less than 250 characters.

    ERROR: Domain ID too long - stopping.

    The length of a 2D domain's ID (name) is larger than 300 characters.

    Check the name of the 2D domain(s) of the simulation and make sure that the name length is less than 300 characters.

    ERROR: Date string too long

    The length of the character sequence used to specify the date of the simulation's time "zero" is more than 10 characters long.

    Check the value of the element "timezero_datetime" under "time" of the 2D domain(s) contained in the simulation-control file (.xml) and make sure the correct date has been entered to the xml file; remove any trailing or leading whitespace.

    Invalid t0 date/time: date time

    The date of the time zero of the simulation is earlier January 1st, 1970.

    Check the time zero of the simulation and change it if it is earlier than January 1st, 1970.

    Invalid start time/offset: start date start time + seconds from time zero s

    The start time of the simulation may be invalid.

    Check the simulation start date and time to make sure it is later or at the date and time of the time zero.

    ERROR: Topography file name too long - stopping.

    The length of the file used to specify topography data is longer than 500 characters.

    Check the filenames entered into the elements "topography" in the simulation control file and make sure their length is less than 500 characters.

    ERROR: problem reading initial conditions - stopping. Or ERROR: problem reading initial conditions - check file format.

    There is a problem with the data or the format of the initial-conditions file.

    Check the format of the initial-condition file and verify its content.

    ERROR: problem resampling initial conditions onto grid - stopping.

    There is a problem with resampling the data provided with the initial-condition file to the cell-size of the computational grid, when the resolution of the initial-condition file is different than the cell-size of the computational domain and a non-zero rotation angle has been set.

    Process the initial-condition file to resample data to the cell size of the computational grid.

    ERROR: IC file name too long - stopping.

    The length of the initial-condition file is larger than 256 characters.

    Check the name of the initial-condition file and make sure it is not more than 256-characters long.

    ERROR: Roughness file name too long - stopping.

    The length of the roughness grid file is larger than 256 characters.

    Check the name of the roughness grid file and make sure it is not more than 256-characters long.

    ERROR: can't read friction file file name - stopping.

    An unspecified error occurred while reading the data from a roughness grid file.

    Check the format of the associated file.

    ERROR: problem resampling friction onto grid - stopping.

    There is a problem with resampling the data provided with the roughness-grid file to the cell-size of the computational grid, when the resolution of the roughness0grid file is different than the cell-size of the computational domain and a non-zero rotation angle has been set.

    Process the roughness-grid file to resample data to the cell size of the computational grid.

    ERROR: expected roughness vector data input to be a polygon layer - stopping.

    Roughness grid data are specified using a shape file but the type of the shapefile is not a polygon.

    Check the roughness MasterMap file. Make sure it is a polygon shapefile.

    ERROR: couldn't find 'value' attribute in roughness file filename.

    There is an error while reading the attribute "value" from the roughness MasterMap file or a no-data value has been assigned to the "attribute" value of one of the shapes in the roughness MasterMap file.

    Check the roughness MasterMap file. Make sure the value of the attribute "value" is a positive number and that is different than the no-data value.

    ERROR: can't read friction file filename Ensure that the format is ASCII raster - stopping.

    There is a problem reading roughness data from the roughness grid file.

    Check the format of the roughness grid file.

    ERROR: Parts of the active area had no roughness defined - check global roughness is defined. EXITING.

    The value of "global" (default) roughness coefficient may have not be read.

    Check the simulation control file (xml) to make sure that the element "roughness" with  type = "global" is not empty.

    Error - Mastermap support requires polygon data - supplied shape file was of type shape type.

    A roughness MasterMap file has been set for a 2D domain, but it is not of the polygon type.

    Check the roughness MasterMap files to make sure that they contain polygon shapes.

    Error - Could not find an attribute called descgroup in filename.

    A roughness MasterMap file has been set for a 2D domain, but its attribute table does not contain the attribute "descgroup".

    Check the attribute table of the associated roughness MasterMap file.

    Error: MasterMap roughness look up file file name read error. EXITING.

    An unspecified error occurred while reading the data from a roughness look-up file.

    Check the format of the roughness look-up file.

    Error: MasterMap roughness look up file filename is empty. EXITING.

    A roughness look-up table has been provided with a roughness MasterMap file, but the look-up table file is empty.

    Check the roughness look-up file.

    Format of lookup table should be 40 cols for name, then the roughness value

    There is an error in the format of the look up table. Each row of the table is assumed to contain a name and a roughness value. The name is expected to be 40-character long (including any whitespace).

    Check the format of the roughness look-up file.

    ERROR: Can't find boundary node match in the associated csv file - check csv and shapefiles. EXITING.

    A CSV timeseries has been provided as boundary condition data but the 2D solver cannot match a NODE label from the boundary-condition shapefile to any of the given timeseries.

    Ensure the NODE labels of the boundary-condition file are correct and that there is a timeseries with a matching NODE label for each shape of the file.

    ERROR: csv file value is not valid. EXITING.

    There is a problem with a CSV file used by a boundary condition, one of the values entered to the CSV file is invalid.

    Check the format and values of the data in the CSV file.

    ERROR: No time series information found in ied file - check file format. EXITING.

    The event data file (.ied) does not contain timeseries with label(s) that match to any of the labels of the boundary condition file.

    Ensure the NODE labels of the boundary-condition file are correct and the format and the labels listed in the event file (.ied).

    ERROR: Couldn't find all time series information in ied file - check ied and shapefiles match. EXITING.

    The event data file (.ied) does not contain the time-seris with label(s) that match to all the labels of the boundary condition file.

    Ensure the NODE labels of the boundary-condition file are correct and the format and the labels listed in the event file (.ied).

    Error reading ied file at line line number - stopping

    An unspecified error occurred while reading data from the .ied file of a boundary condition at the given line of the file.

    Check the format of the .ied file.

    unrecognised time factor keyword. ied error at node label - stopping.

    An error occurred while reading a time multiplication factor from an .ied file of a boundary condition for the given node label.

    Check the format of the .ied file.

    non-increasing times in boundary data. ied error at node label - stopping.

    An error occurred while reading the timeseries from an .ied file of a boundary condition for the given node label, time entries do not increase.

    Check the format of the .ied file.

    ied data read error at line line number - stopping

    An unspecified error occurred while reading data from the .ied file of a boundary condition at the given line of the file.

    Check the format of the .ied file.

    ERROR: Must have filename argument - stopping.

    Simulation is launched from the command prompt and the filename of the simulation control file (.xml) is missing from the command arguments. 

    The format of the command prompt should be comprise of the executable's filename followed by the simulation control filename and any other additional arguments. Not likely to happen if the simulation is launched with the Flood Modeller UI.

    "ERROR: Could not open the input file: filename Exiting.

    An error occurred while opening the simulation control fle.

    Check the filename of the simulation control file. Make sure the file exists.

    ERROR: polygon shape files are not supported in W-links - stopping.

    A polygon shape file is set to build a weir link between a 2D domain and a 1D River model. Polygon shape files are not supported with weir links.

    Check the type of the link shape file. Use a polyline shapefile with weir links.

    ERROR: polygon shape files are not supported in H-links - stopping.

    A polygon shape file is set to build a water-elevation link between a 2D domain and a 1D River model. Polygon shape files are not supported with water-elevation links.

    Check the type of the link shape file. Use a polyline shapefile with water-elevation links.

    ERROR: link polygon, index shape number in the shape file file name is (partially) outside the active domain - stopping.

    A polygon shape file is used to build a 2D-1D flow link and one (or more) of the containing shapes are outside the active area.

    Check the extends of the polygons contained in the associated shapefile and make sure that all polygons are placed within the active area.

    ERROR: link polygon, index shape number in the shape file file name spans 2 domains - stopping.

    A polygon shape file is used to build a 2D-1D flow link and one (or more) of the containing shapes spans more than one active area.

    Check the extends of the polygons contained in the associated shapefile and make sure that all polygons are placed within a single active area.

    ERROR: link vector spans 2 domains - stopping.

    A polyline shape file is used to build a 2D-1D flow link and one (or more) of the containing shapes extend to other 2D domains.

    Check the extends of the polylines contained in the associated shapefile and make sure that all lines are placed within a single active area.

    Error occurred while reading the value of the attribute TYPE at entity 1-based row number in the attribute table of the shape file: filename null data found, program aborting.

    Entries of the attribute table in the column TYPE may be empty for the link shapefile specified by the message.

    Check the attribute table of the link shapefile and make sure that the attribute TYPE is H for water-elevation links, Q for vertical-flow links or W for weir links.

    Error occurred while reading the values of the attributes NODE1 and NODE2 at entity 1-based row number in the attribute table of the shape file: filename null data found, program aborting.

    Entries of the attribute table in the columns NODE1 and/or NODE2 may be empty for the link shapefile specified by the message.

    Check the attribute table of the link shapefile and make sure the correct node labels have been entered to the attribute fields.

    Error occurred while reading the value of the attribute NODE attribute at entity row index in the shape file: filename null data found, program aborting.

    Entries of the field NODE in the attribute table of the link shapefile may be empty.

    Check the attribute table of the link shapefile and make sure the correct node labels have been entered to the attribute fields.

    Error occurred while reading bed elevation data from the z-type shape file: filename null data found, program aborting.

    There is a problem with the data of a shape file with Z data (e.g. polylineZ). Data may be missing from the file or the file has been corrupted.

    Verify the data contained by the link shapefile.

    Error occurred while reading the value of the attribute HEIGHT/ELEVATION at entity row index in the attribute table of the shape file: filename null data found, program aborting.

    A single value is provided with the attribute HEIGHT or ELEVATION of a two-point segment and it contains a no-data value entry at the specified row.

    Look-up for polyline shapefile whose attribute table contain a single value for height/elevation and correct any fields where the value is no-data.

    Error: null data found in weir data of link link ID number program aborting.

    A no-data value has been assigned to both the fields CD and/or ML/MODLIM/MOD_LIM/MODULAR_LIMIT/MODULARLIMIT of the attribute table in the link shapefile and the default value for discharge coefficient.

    In case the attribute table contains the fields CD and and/or MODLIM/MOD_LIM/MODULAR_LIMIT/MODULARLIMIT with values for some entries that cannot be defined (being no-data), make sure that an appropriate positive value is assigned to the default discharge coefficient and modular limit.

    Error occurred while reading the value of the attribute CD of the link link ID number null data found, program aborting.

    In case of a weir-link, this error will be generated when the attribute table does not contain the attribute CD and the default value of discharge coefficient is a no-data value.

    In case of a weir-link where the attribute table does not contain the field CD, make sure that an appropriate positive value is assigned to the default discharge coefficient.

    Error occurred while reading the value of the attribute ML of the link link ID number null data found, program aborting.

    In case of a weir-link, this error will be generated when the attribute table does not contain the attribute MODLIM and the default value of the modular limit is a no-data value.

    In case of a weir-link where the attribute table does not contain the field MODLIM, make sure that an appropriate positive value is assigned to the default discharge coefficient.

    Error occurred while looking for the attribute TYPE in the attribute table of the shape file: filename attribute not found, program aborting.

    The attribute table of the link shapefile specified by the message does not contain the attribute named TYPE.

    Check the attribute table of the link shapefile and make sure it includes an attribute named TYPE.

    Error occurred while looking for the attributes NODE1 and/or NODE2 in the attribute table of the shape file: filename attribute not found, program aborting.

    The attribute table of the link shapefile specified by the message does not contain the attribute named NODE1 and NODE2 (for polyline shapes).

    Check the attribute table of the link shapefile and make sure it includes the fields NODE1 and NODE2 with the appropriate entries for polyline links.

    Error occurred while looking for the attribute NODE in the attribute table of the shape file:filename attribute not found, program aborting.

    The attribute table of the link shapefile specified by the message does not contain the attribute named NODE (for polygon shapes).

    Check the attribute table of the link shapefile and make sure it includes the field NODE with the appropriate entries for polygon links.

    ERROR reading modular limit in link shapefile - stopping.

    An error occurred while reading an entry of the field for modular limit from the attribute table of the link shapefile.

    Please look up the entries in the field of modular limit in the attribute table for unrealistically high/low values and correct them where appropriate.

    ERROR reading discharge coefficient in link shapefile - stopping.

    An error occurred while reading an entry of the field for discharge coefficient from the attribute table of the link shapefile.

    Please look up the entries in the field of discharge coefficient in the attribute table for unrealistically high/low values and correct them where appropriate.

    ERROR reading z values in link shapefile - stopping. Or ERROR reading height data in link shapefile - stopping.

    An error occurred while reading an entry of the field for bed elevation from the attribute table of the link shapefile.

    Please look up the entries in the field of bed elevation in the attribute table for unrealistically high/low values and correct them where appropriate.

    ERROR reading FACTOR A data in link shapefile - stopping.

    An error occurred while reading an entry of the field FACTOR A from the attribute table of the link shapefile.

    Please look up the entries in the field FACTOR A in the attribute table for unrealistically high/low values and correct them where appropriate.

    Number of link cells exceeds maximum available; link shapefile #link ID number, shape #shape ID number - EXITING.

    The 2D solver construct incorrectly the data structures that contain the necessary information for linking 2D-1D flow models.

    Not likely to be experienced by a user. Intended for development purposes.

    ERROR: the polygon shapes included in filename are not supported with W or H links - stopping.

    Polygon shapefiles are used to set a water-elevation or a weir link between 2D and 1D River. Polygon links are not supported for these two flow-link types.

    Specify the link between 2D and 1D River using a polyline shapefile instread.

    Invalid shape code: type of shape in filename. Expecting polyline or polygon types  - stopping

    A polygon shapefile reader is used to extract data from a shapefile that is not of polygon type.

    Not likely to be experienced by a user. Intended for development purposes.

    Invalid shape code: type of shape in filename. Expecting polyline or polygon types  - stopping

    A polygon/polyline shapefile reader is used to extract data from a shapefile that is not of polygon/polyline type.

    Not likely to be experienced by a user. Intended for development purposes.

    Error positioning file in get_shp_polygon_data - stopping.

    Unspecified error occurred while reading a polygon shapefile.

    Verify the contents of the shapefile. Intended for development purposes.

    Error positioning file in get_shp_polyline_data - stopping.

    Unspecified error occurred while reading a polygon shapefile.

    Verify the contents of the shapefile. Intended for development purposes.

    ERROR allocating memory; reading shapefile filename - stopping. Or Allocation (memory?) ERROR reading shapefile filename - stopping.

    An error occurred while allocating memory to data structures used to store the shapefile data.

    Verify the contents of the shapefile. Intended for development purposes.

    ERROR: Can't read file filename in get_shp_type. Check file exists and is of correct format. EXITING.

    Unspecified error occurred while reading a polygon shapefile.

    Check the file exists and is of correct format.

    Error occurred initialising 2D domain - program aborting.

    An error occurred that stopped the initialisation of 2D domain data. The error can be caused by any of the following reasons: (a) the executable failed to load the 2DEngine DLL or import necessary procedures from the library, (b) the software could not find the license that is necessary for running the simulation, (c) a negative time step has been specified for a 2D domain in the simulation. Earlier messages should have logged the error that caused the initialisation to fail.

    Check earlier messages for errors. (a) If the executable failed to load the 2DEngine DLL (filename should have been logged), check the file exists in the bin folder of the installation folder. If the DLL exists, there is a problem with the DLL dependencies and the software needs to be re-installed or its installation to be repaired. (b) If the necessary license was not found, please contact Flood Modeller support at (c) If an error for a negative timestep is logged, replace any negative value for a time step with an appropriate positive value.

    ERROR: can't initialise procedure name - stopping.

    An error occurred while initialising the 2D solver. The procedure could not be loaded from the DLL because an older/different version of a dependent DLL is placed in the bin folder of Flood Modeller.

    The installation folder of Flood Modeller software may have been corrupted. Please repair the installation or re-install the software.

    ERROR: Could not initialise 1D model - check that model is correctly set up, and ief file is specified correctly. EXITING.

    The initialisation of the solver for the linked 1D River model failed.

    Verify the setup of the 1D flow model is correct and check the filename of the 1D simulation control file has been entered correctly in the 2D simulation control file (.xml) in the element "ief" under the section "link1d".

    ERROR: Could not initialise 1D Urban model - program aborting.

    The initialisation of the solver for the linked 1D Urban model failed.

    Verify the setup of the 1D flow model is correct and check the filename of the 1D simulation control file has been entered correctly in the 2D simulation control file (.xml) in the element "ief" under the section "link1d".

    Error occurred reading link data - program aborting.

    The simulation failed to load data from the shapefiles associated with the flow model links. Specific error description should have been provided by earlier messages. Possible reasons that caused this errors are: no-data entries to the attribute table for discharge coefficient, modular limit, bed-elevation modifications; invalid filenames or problems on the file format.

    Check earlier messages for errors.

    Error occurred initialising 1D link nodes: no 1D nodes were found in the network file for linked 1D model model number - stopping.

    There is problem with the file that contains the details of the 1D network. It may not include any 1D nodes or there is a problem with the format of the data in the file.

    Check the data file of the 1D network.

    Error occurred initialising 2D link nodes: could not set 1D ID for 1D-2D link nodes - program aborting.

    An error occurred while looking for 2D cells that are linked to specific 1D nodes or unlinked cells between 1D nodes. Error "1D node label … not found or invalid - stopping" should have stopped the simulation before reaching this point.

    Check the node labels entered into the link shapefile. Make sure that the node label(s) from the link shapefile(s) can be associated with a node label from the network file.

    1D node label node label not found - stopping.

    The 2D solver could not match the label given to a shape in the link shapefile to any of the labels of the nodes from the network file at a 2D cell that is directly linked to a 1D node.

    Check the node labels entered into the link shapefile. Make sure that the node label(s) from the link shapefile(s) can be associated with a node label from the network file.

    1D node label (1) node label not found or invalid - stopping.

    The 2D solver could not match the label given to a shape in the link shapefile to any of the labels of the nodes from the network file at a 2D cell located downstream of a 1D node.

    Check the node labels entered into the link shapefile. Make sure that the node label(s) from the link shapefile(s) can be associated with a node label from the network file.

    1D node label (2) node label not found or invalid - stopping.

    The 2D solver could not match the label given to a shape in the link shapefile to any of the labels of the nodes from the network file at a 2D cell located upstream of a 1D node.

    Check the node labels entered into the link shapefile. Make sure that the node label(s) from the link shapefile(s) can be associated with a node label from the network file.

    Error occurred initialising 2D link nodes: could not initialise 1D-2D link lines - program aborting.

    An error occurred while changing the values of IWET according to the type of link applied between 2D and 1D models.

    Check the values of the attribute TYPE in the link shapefile. It can take the values H for water-elevation links, Q for vertical flow links or W for weir links.

    Invalid link type; must be 'H', 'Q' or 'W'

    An error occurred while changing the values of IWET according to the type of link applied between 2D and 1D models. An unexpected value is entered in the attribute "TYPE" of the link shapefile.

    Check the values of the attribute TYPE in the link shapefile. It can take the values H for water-elevation links, Q for vertical flow links or W for weir links.

    Error: cannot find 1D Urban model inp file folder; please make sure it is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file. Looking for: filename

    The 2D solver cannot find the folder where the .inp file of the 1D Urban model is.

    Make sure the path to the .inp file is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file when a relative path is used.

    Error: cannot find 1D Urban model inp file; please make sure it is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file. filename

    The .inp file of the 1D Urban model could not be found.

    Make sure the .inp file is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file.

    Error: cannot load SWMMISIS.dll

    The executable failed to load the dynamic library (DLL) with the SWMM procedures. The DLL or its dependent DLLs may be missing from the bin folder of the installation directory.

    The installation folder of Flood Modeller software may have been corrupted. Please repair the installation or re-install the software.

    Error: cannot find functions in SWMMISIS.dll

    The executable failed to load the necessary procedures from the dynamic library (DLL). An older/different version of the SWMMISIS.DLL may be used.

    The installation folder of Flood Modeller software may have been corrupted. Please repair the installation or re-install the software.

    ERROR: time step of the linked 1D flow model(s) number(s) of 1D model is not multiple of one of the 2D time steps - stopping.

    The time step of a linked 1D flow model is not a multiple of the minimum time step of the simulation's models (2D or 1D).

    Please make sure that the time step of any 1D model is an (integer) multiple of the simulation's minimum time step. This can be verified by making sure the following relation applies for a 1D time step: {Dt1D - minDT * integer(Dt1D/minDT) > 0.001}.

    ERROR: 2D time step for domain number(s) of 2D model is not multiple of other 1D or 2D time steps - stopping.

    The time step of a 2D flow model is not a multiple of the minimum time step of the simulation's models (2D or 1D).

    Please make sure that the time step of any 2D model is an (integer) multiple of the simulation's minimum time step. This can be verified by making sure the following relation applies for a 2D time step: {Dt2D - minDT * integer(Dt2D/minDT) > 0.001}.

    ERROR: 2D time step is not multiple of the simulation's minimum time step - stopping.

    The time step of a 2D flow model is not a mutliple of the minimum time step of the simulation's models.

    Please make sure that the time step of any 2D model is an (integer) multiple of the simulation's minimum time step. This can be verified by making sure the following relation applies for a 2D time step: {Dt2D - minDT * integer(Dt2D/minDT) > 0.001}.

    Error: cannot find the file filename or list of filenames - stopping.

    The 2D solver cannot find the given files (control file of the 1D models or link shapefiles).

    Make sure the 1D model file(s) and the link shapefile(s) are correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file.

    Error while reading the embedded-structures file - aborting: filename the file was not found - aborting.

    The specified structure (.str) file was not found.

    Check the name of the structure file (.str), it should be the same with the name of shapefile used to specify the location of the embedded units (excluding the file extension). Make sure the .str and .shp files are in the same folder.

    Error while reading the embedded-structures file - aborting: filename unspecified error occurred while reading the file - aborting.

    An error occurred while reading data from the structure (.str) file.

    Check the  format data are written to the structure (.str) file.

    Error while reading the parameters of embedded units; embedded gated weir units are not supported - aborting, file: filename

    The type of gated weir has been specified for an embedded weir. This type of structure is not supported with embedded 1D structures.

    Replace the gated weir with one of the following types as appropriate: general, broad-crested, crump, flat-V, notional or sharp-crested.

    Error while reading the parameters of embedded units; labyrinth weir units are not supported - aborting, file: filename

    The type of labyrinth weir has been specified for an embedded weir. This type of structure is not supported with embedded 1D structures.

    Replace the labyrinth weir with one of the following types as appropriate: general, broad-crested, crump, flat-V, notional or sharp-crested.

    Error while reading the parameters of embedded units; siphon weir units are not supported - aborting, file: filename

    The type of siphon weir has been specified for an embedded weir. This type of structure is not supported with embedded 1D structures.

    Replace the siphon weir with one of the following types as appropriate: general, broad-crested, crump, flat-V, notional or sharp-crested.

    Error while reading the parameters of embedded units; weir units with flow-head control are not supported - aborting, file: filename

    The type of flow-head weir has been specified for an embedded weir. This type of structure is not supported with embedded 1D structures.

    Replace the flow-head weir with one of the following types as appropriate: general, broad-crested, crump, flat-V, notional or sharp-crested.

    Error, the embedded-structures file does not contain any 1D units - aborting: filename

    The structure (.str) file may contain no data or the data format is not correct.

    Check the format of the data written to the structure (.str) file.

    Error while reading the file with the properties of the 1D units: filename - file was not found, aborting.

    The structure (.str) file was not found.

    Make sure the embedded structure shapefile is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file and that the structure file with the associated unit properties has the same name with the shapefile (excluding the file extension).

    Error occurred while reading the properties of a conduit section from the file 'filename': insufficient number of cross-sectional points (number of points) defined for conduit SECTION with label 'label'. Please use at least 4 cross-sectional points.

    There is an error in the properties of conduit unit provided with the structure (.str) file. The number of points used to define a conduit cross-section was less than the limit of 4 points.

    Provide at least 4 points in order to adequately define the cross-section of the conduit.

    Error occurred while reading the properties of a conduit section from the file 'filename': insufficient number of cross-sectional points (number of points) defined for conduit ASYMMETRIC with label 'label'. Please use at least 4 cross-sectional points.

    There is an error in the properties of conduit unit provided with the structure (.str) file. The number of points used to define a conduit cross-section was less than the limit of 4 points.

    Provide at least 4 points in order to adequately define the cross-section of the conduit.

    Error occurred while assessing topography near a section of an embedded structure: no data values of bed elevation are found upstream of the structure 'name' that is embedded to 2D domain #ID number - consider changing the location of the inlet.

    Invalid values are detected for bed elevation at one or more 2D cells close to a culvert end.

    Check bed elevation values near the two ends of the embedded culverts and move the culvert end from locations with no-data values for bed elevation. If necessary modify the length property listed in the shapefile to overwrite the physical length of the line between the two ends and hence retain the (same) expected friction effect on the culvert flow.

    Error occurred while assessing topography near a section of an embedded structure: some or all the 2D cells that are occupied by the cross-section of structure 'name', which is embedded to 2D domain #ID number, are located outside the active area of this domain - consider changing the location of the structure.

    Part of the shape that represents a weir cross-section or a culvert/orifice end is located on inactive parts of the grid.

    Check the position of the shapefiles used to specify the location of the embedded structures and make sure they are located within active parts of the computational grid.

    Error occurred while checking the properties of embedded structures for invalid data values: invalid type orifice type has been assigned to the embedded orifice 'name'.

    The type of orifice that has been specified for this embedded orifice is not supported.

    Replace the unsupported orifice type with the general unit for an orifice.

    Error occurred while checking the properties of embedded structures for invalid data values: invalid data (-9999.0) have been assigned to the property 'property type' of the embedded orifice 'name'.

    A no-data value has been assigned to one of the following properties: throat invert level, throat soffit level, upstream sill level, downstream sill level or modular limit. The values assigned to these properties must be realistic, different than no-data.

    Check the properties of the given orifice in the structure file and correct any of its properties that may have no-data values.

    Error occurred while initialising a link between 1D River and 1D Urban (error reading the 1D link file (.isl)) check the diagnostics file of the 1D River for further information.

    An error occurred while reading the 1D link file .isl (1D River - 1D Urban). Check the diagnostics file of the 1D River for further information.

    Check the diagnostics file of the 1D River for further information.

    Error occurred while initialising a link between 1D River and 1D Urban (error mapping 1D Urban network to the Flood Modeller 1D network) check the diagnostics file of the 1D River for further information.

    An error occurred while identifying the 1D River Nodes that are linked to the 1D Urban nodes. Causes may include the use of invalid units for 1D Urban/1D River links. Further details should be provided by the the diagnostics file of the 1D River.

    Check the diagnostics file of the 1D River for further information.

    Error occurred while initialising a link between 1D River and 1D Urban (1D Urban timestep (dt) must be an integer multiple /divisor of Flood Modeller 1D timestep (dt)) check the diagnostics file of the 1D River for further information.

    There is an error on the selection of time step for 1D River and 1D Urban (and a link exists between 1D River and 1D Urban).

    Change the time step of the 1D River and/or 1D Urban model for the former to be an integer multiple/divisor of the latter.

    ERROR: The description of topography_2 node #<number> is longer than 125 characters.

    The XML file has been manually edited/created by the user. The text assigned to the description attribute of a topography_2 node is longer than what software expects.

    Check the description attribute of the topography_2 nodes in the XML and ensure they all are less than 125 characters (including whitespace).

    ERROR: The description of the file type #<number> is longer than 4 characters.

    The XML file has been manually edited/created by the user. The text assigned to the type of a file node is longer than what the software expects.

    Check the type attribute of the file nodes in the XML and ensure they all are less than 4 characters. File type is usually the file extension (currently for shp, asc, tif, flt, csv).

    ERROR: The description of the file name #<number> is longer than 300 characters.

    The XML file has been manually edited/created by the user. The text assigned to the text (value) of a file node is longer than what the software expects.

    Check the text (value) of the file nodes in the XML and ensure they all are less than 300 characters (including whitespace).

    ERROR - Error occurred while operating ZSurface, the reader failed to read the specified shapefile.

    The error is logged under a message with information on the filename. The process failed to read that shapefile.

    Ensure that the shapefile exists and that is not corrupted.

    ERROR - Error occurred while operating ZSurface, the shapefile with the interpolation area was empty.

    No polygons have been found in a ZSurface feature. The error will be logged under a message with the identifier of the relevant ZSurface feature.

    Ensure that a shapefile with existing polygon geometries has been added to the filelist of a ZSurface process.

    ERROR - Error occurred while operating ZSurface, the geometry of the features in shapefile with the interpolation area is not supported (must be of the polygon type).

    The file used to specify a ZSurface polygon is not of the polygon geometry type.

    Ensure ZSurface polygons are specified using shapefiles with polygon geometries.

    ERROR - Error occurred while operating ZSurface, the shapefile with the interpolation unit was empty.

    No points have been found to be snapped or inscribed to the ZSurface polygon. The error will be logged under a message with the identifier of the relevant ZSurface feature.

    Ensure the filelist of a ZSurface feature contains a point shapefile and that it contains at least 2 points snapped to the perimeter of polygon ZSurface.

    ERROR - Error occurred while operating ZSurface, failed to copy memory between pointers.

    A memory operation failed in a ZSurface process. It is unlikely the user will see that message.

    This may be because of a mismatch of the data types passed to the object and the data types created by the object. Such mismatch may be caused by the use of the wrong class template.

    ERROR - Error occurred while operating ZSurface, data in point shapefile were invalid (missing 'value' attribute, z and m values).

    One of the point shapefiles in the filelist of a ZSurface feature does not have the expected format and the process cannot deduct the value of the 2D parameter at its points. The error will be logged after the message with the identifier of the ZSurface feature and a message that informs about reading the relevant shapefile.

    Point shapefiles used with ZSurface features are used to specify the values of a 2D parameter. The values can be specified using a shapefile with m/z geometry data or a "value" field in the attribute table. Ensure the point shapefile follows that format.

    ERROR - Error occurred while operating ZSurface, the triangulation area has not been set.

    The list of a ZSurface feature did not include a polygon shapefile. The error will be logged under a message with an identifier of the ZSurface feature.

    Ensure the filelist of the ZSurface features includes a polygon shapefile that describes the adjustment method and specifies the location of the application area.

    General Error Messages

    MessageDescriptionRecommended action

    ERROR: Non-positive value for slope entered for Normal Depth - stopping.

    A negative or zero value is assigned to one or more boundary conditions on normal depth.

    Check the simulation control file .xml and correct any zero or negative values of the normal-depth where a boundary condition is set on normal depth.

    ERROR: Problem allocating memory (system's error message) - try reducing number of rows/columns or increasing grid cell size. EXITING

    The error occurred while allocating memory to a data structure because the system has insufficient resources (memory) to resolve the data of the flow model, possibly because the flow model is too large.

    Try reducing the size of the model by reducing the model extends or resample the grid data with a larger cell size.

    ERROR: Active area shapefile must be polygon - check shapefile type. EXITING.

    The active area of a 2D domain is specified using a shapefile that is not of the polygon type or the shapefile has been corrupted.

    Check the type of the active area shapefile. Use a polygon shapefile to specify the active area.

    ERROR: De-active area shapefile must be polygon - check shapefile type. EXITING.

    The de-active area of a 2D domain is specified using a shapefile that is not of the polygon type or the shapefile has been corrupted.

    Check the type of the de-active area shapefile. Use a polygon shapefile to specify the de-active area.

    ERROR: Problem allocating memory for the auxiliary arrays tmp_aux. EXITING

    The error occurred while allocating memory to a data structure because the system has insufficient resources (memory) to resolve the data of the flow model, possibly because the flow model is too large.

    Try reducing the size of the model by reducing the model extends or resample the grid data with a larger cell size.

    ERROR: Problem running 1D-2D link - stopping.

    An error occurred while running a linked simulation. Check previous error messages for further details.

    Check previous error messages for further details.

    ERROR: Problem running 2D model - stopping.

    An error occurred while running a 2D-only simulation. Check previous error messages for further details.

    Check previous error messages for further details.

    ERROR - Error occurred while operating ZSurface, more than 2 points are required to operate interpolation on triangulated field.

    Less than 2 perimeter points have been snapped to a polygon of the ZSurface polygon file from the file list preceding the error in the logged messages.

    Ensure that more than two points have been snapped to the vertices of a ZSurface polygon. This will enable the interpolation, between the two given points, at the vertices with unspecified values.

    ERROR - Error occurred while flow goes from the 2D across the Link-line into the 1D.

    The issue is with link-lines/active area/de-active area.

    Don't use H-type link lines at the upstream and downstream ends of the culvert in the deactivated area. These may perform better as Q-links attached to a dummy HTbdy (like the ones you have capturing manhole surcharging), which in turn would be connected to a spill unit that defines the levels water in the culvert need to get to in order to spill onto the 2D flood plain. Note, along the reach, it is fine to continue with the H links that are taking lateral spills on to the 2D domain (and vice versa). It would be good to see the 2D results and model setup as well. Most important results to see would be the mass balance csv file that records exchanges of flow between the models and the 2D log file.

    Writing Error Messages

    MessageDescriptionRecommended action

    Error creating xmdf file for output name file name

    The 2D engine tried to initialise more than one outputs of the type XMDF. Only one xmdf file currently allowed per simulation.

    Make sure that only one XMDF output is requested per simulation.

    ERROR: Can't open unit for CSV output - check file isn't open in another application - stopping.

    The 2D engine tried to access a CSV file used to write timeseries of flow properties, but the file is opened by another application.

    Check if the file is open in another application and please close the application if it is.

    ERROR: writing to mass balance file (possibly open in another application) - stopping.

    The 2D engine tried to access a CSV file used to write the mass balance summary, but the file is opened by another application.

    Check if the file is open in another application and please close the application if it is.

    ERROR: opening flow line output file filename (possibly open in another application) - stopping.

    The 2D engine tried to access a CSV file used to write flow-line outputs, but the file is opened by another application.

    Check if the file is open in another application and please close the application if it is.

    ERROR: Could not open folder for spatial diagnostics file - check folder exists. EXITING.

    The directory of the spatial-diagnostics file may not be correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file.

    Make sure the path to the spatial-diagnostics file is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file.

    ERROR: Could not open folder for log file - check folder exists. EXITING.

    The name of the log file may not be correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file.

    Make sure the name of the log file is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file.

    Error opening file in write_sms_vector_open: filename - stopping.

    The 2D engine tried to open the .dat file referenced in the error message but the file is open in another application.

    Check if the file is open in another application and please close the application if it is.

    Error writing to file in write_sms_vector_open: filename - stopping.

    An unspecified error occurred while writing to the .dat file reference in the error message.

    If the file has been opened by 2D engine it is unlikely for another application accessed (open/read/write) the file, but the file has been corrupted by another application.

    File Error Messages

    MessageDescriptionRecommended action

    Cannot open empty file, stopping.

    The 2D engine tried to write information to a file whose name was undefined.

    Check the simulation control file .xml for any file entries where a file name has not been specified. It is unlikely for the user to experience this error, the xml reader should have picked-up the missing information before arriving to this error.

    ERROR: Could not create .sup file for SMS outputs - check folder exists.

    The 2D engine tried to generate a SUPER file in the directory of the filename specified for the output but the directory could not be found.

    Make sure the filename specified for the output is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file and check if the specified folder exists.

    ERROR: Could not create .sup file for XMDF outputs - check folder exists.

    The 2D engine tried to generate a SUPER file in the directory of the filename specified for the output but the directory could not be found.

    Make sure the filename specified for the output is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file and check if the specified folder exists.

    ERROR reading hydrology source details; check source time series data file exists. EXITING

    The 2D engine tried to open and read the file with the event timeseries.

    Make sure the filename specified for the timeseries of a rainfall event is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file.

    ERROR: Could not open mass balance file after number of attempts attempts; STOPPING

    The 2D engine tried to open the file with mass-balance summary of a 2D model but the file is opened in another application.

    Check if the mass-balance output file is open in another application and please close the application if it is.

    ERROR: Could not open folder for mass balance file filename - check folder exists. EXITING

    The directory of the mass-balance file output may not be correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file.

    Make sure the path to the mass-balance output file is correctly referenced in the 2D xml control file.

    ERROR: Could not open 1D Link Flows summary file after number of attempts attempts; STOPPING

    The 2D engine tried to open the file with the mass-balance summary of the 1D-link but the file is opened in another application.

    Check if the mass-balance output file is open in another application and please close the application if it is.

    Link Error Messages

    MessageDescriptionRecommended action

    Error: Flood Modeller 2D (ADI/TVD & FAST/FAST Dynamic) does not currently support linking with both 1D and FAST solvers - STOPPING

    Simulations with link between a 2D model (ADI/TVD) and a FAST/FAST Dynamic as well as a 1D River/1D Urban

    To resolve this, all 2D domains of the linked simulation must be set with FAST/FAST Dynamic or TVD/ADI. 1D River/1D Urban models cannot be linked with domains solved FAST/FAST Dynamic and TVD/ADI in the same simulation.

    Error: Flood Modeller 2D (ADI/TVD & FAST/FAST Dynamic) does not currently support multi-domain FAST models linked to 1D - STOPPING

    Simulations linking FAST/FAST Dynamic, any ADI/TVD and 1D River/1D Urban are not supported.

    To address this, try merging the multiple domains with the FAST/FAST Dynamic scheme or switch the scheme to ADI/TVD keeping the multi-domain setup.

    Error: Flood Modeller 2D (FAST/FAST Dynamic) does not currently support linking to 1D Urban model - STOPPING

    Simulations linking FAST/FAST Dynamic and 1D Urban are not supported.

    To resolve this, set ADI or TVD as the scheme for 2D domains linked with 1D Urban models or try to replicate the 1D Urban model as a 1D River model if possible.

    GPU Error Messages

    MessageDescriptionRecommended action

    Problem with the initialisation of the GPU module...

    CUDA failed to set a device for processing. The message follows a message returned by CUDA regarding the failure to set a device.

    The driver of the GPU card may be out-of-date or its version may not be compatible with Flood Modeller 2D GPU solver. Please check the NVIDIA driver is updated and check if the computing capability of the card is higher than 5.0. The computing capability of NVIDIA GPUs can be found at

    ERROR: Update failed for ... Domain domain ID @ time time instant.

    The 2D solver failed to produce a solution for a time step due to an error in the processes operated by a flow update for a 2D domain of the simulation. Further details on the cause of the failure are been logged prior this message.

    Please advice on earlier error messages saved in the log file to identify the cause of the failure and see the action recommended for the associated error.

    ERROR: The update of the 2D flow solution failed at time time instant

    The 2D solver failed to produce a solution for a time step because the mass balance check on the 2D domain(s) of the simulation forced the termination of the simulation. Information on the ID of the 2D domain and the reason the simulation was terminated is provided in earlier messages such as #4 and 5, 6.

    Check the log file for any of errors #5 or 6 and follow advice on recommended actions.

    The mass balance check failed for 2D domain 'domain ID'.

    The mass-balance check forces the termination of the simulation because of errors #5 or #6. Previous messages in the log file should identify the error.

    Check the log file for any of errors #5 or 6 and follow advice on recommended actions.

    The percentile error computed during the mass balance checks for the domain (error value) exceeded the maximum acceptable value specified by the user (maximum acceptable error).

    The mass balance check found mass balance error higher than the maximum acceptable value and requested the termination of the simulation. This error will be generated when a threshold value has been specified in the simulation settings.

    Check the settings of any flow models linked to the 2D domain. If the model includes a source from rainfall, the values of rainfall accumulation depth and/or wetting/drying depth may need to be revised.

    ERROR: Model unstable at number of 2D cells cells of the 2D domain @domain ID, consider using smaller time step.

    Water elevation for one or more cells have a NaN (not-a-number) value. If a spatial diagnostics file was requested by the user, lines with the keywork "Unstable" detail the location and time of the 2D cells with NaN values for water elevation.

    Consider decreasing the simulation time step. For the TVD solver, it is advised to use a 1/10 ratio of DT (secs) / DX (m) at most.

    Error occurred while applying 2D flow updates from 1D embedded structures.

    An error was detected by the 1D solver that is used to resolve the flow through a weir/orifice/culvert embedded to a 2D domain. This message will follow any of errors #8, 9 or 10.

    Check the log file for any of errors #8, 9 or 10 and follow advice on recommended actions.

    Error occurred while modelling 1D flow through an embedded weir: error detail. Failed to model the flow through an embedded weir.

    The solver used to resolve weir flow failed to update the flow solution because cells in the vicinity of upstream/downstream section are not part of any active 2D area.

    Unlikely to be experienced by the user; earlier checks should have detected this error and prevent the simulation from launching. Retained for development purposes.

    Error occurred while modelling 1D flow through an embedded Orifice: error detail. Failed to model the flow through an embedded Orifice.

    Error detail in this case is "Error while setting an outflow at the downstream section of the embedded orifice 'label' no grid cells were allocated to the section - aborting.". The solver for the 1D orifice flow failed to generate inflow/outflow because the section width is too small in relation to the 2D cell size.

    Check if the width of the weir section is correctly set in the 1D Structure files. If the section width is too small in relation to the 2D cell size, try to artificially increase its effect area by increasing its "Distribution Factor".

    Error occurred while modelling 1D flow through an embedded Culvert: error detail. Failed to model the flow through an embedded Culvert.

    This error can be generated in case of low-flow conditions due to (a) high Froude number of the flow within the culvert or (b) NaN (Not-A-Number) values being assigned to water-elevation values. Error detail is a description of (a) or (b).

    In case of high Froude numbers check the culvert's properties for very steep bed slope of the barrel, or unrealistically high values of roughness coefficient. In case NaN values are detected in water elevation, check grid data on bed elevation for cells with missing values or areas with steep slopes in the areas upstream/downstream of the culvert.

    Error occurred: time step of 1D model 'name' is not multiple of the time step of the linked 2D models. Simulation failed to setup a simulation with linked flow models.

    The time step of a 1D model (1D-River/1D-Urban) is not a multiple of the time step of its linked 2D domain.

    Check the settings of the linked flow models (2D, 1D River/1D Urban) and make sure that that the time step of the 1D model is multiple of the time step of the linked 2D model.

    ERROR: The update of the 1D flow solution failed for ... Domain domain ID @ time time instant.

    The 1D solver failed to update the solution for a 1D flow model (1D River/1D Urban).

    The 1D flow solver did not converge to a solution. Check the diagnostics file of the 1D model for further details.

    Failed to load library 'engine2d.dll' (last-error code system error code).

    An error occurred while loading the library. The bin folder may be missing the dynamic-link-library file specified by the message or a system's library required to load the DLL file.

    The bin folder of Flood Modeller may have been corrupted - trying to re-install the software may be helpful.

    Failed to load library 'isis_omi.dll' (last-error code system error code).

    An error occurred while loading the library. The bin folder may be missing the dynamic-link-library file specified by the message or a system's library required to load the DLL file.

    The bin folder of Flood Modeller may have been corrupted - trying to re-install the software may be helpful.

    Failed to load library 'swmmisis.dll' (last-error code system error code).

    An error occurred while loading the library. The bin folder may be missing the dynamic-link-library file specified by the message or a system's library required to load the DLL file.

    The bin folder of Flood Modeller may have been corrupted - trying to re-install the software may be helpful.

    Loading procedure 'procedure name' from the library 'library name'...failed (last-error code system error code).

    An interface cannot load a necessary procedure from the specific dynamic library.

    Make sure the correct version of the library exists in Flood Modeller bin folder, and that the program has been installed correctly. Re-install if necessary.

    Error occurred during the initialisation of the 1D flow solver (error returned by FM1D - consult the diagnostics file *.zzd for more information).

    An error occurred while initialising the solver for 1D River.

    Check the diagnostics file (zzd) for more details about the error.

    Failed to open the simulation control file (.inp).

    An error occurred while opening the .inp file. The file may be open in another application.

    Check if the file is open in another application and please close it.

    Error while setting 1D simulation: SWMM simulations linked to 2D flow models must be set using a fixed time step. Please deselect 'variable timestep' option in the .inp file.

    The option of using a variable time step is not supported for 1D Urban models linked to 2D domains.

    Please deselect 'variable timestep' option in the .inp file.

    Error while setting 1D simulation: SWMM simulations linked to 2D flow models must use the dynamic Wave method. Please select the 'Dynamic Wave' option in the .inp file.

    The option of using the Dynamic Wave is not supported for 1D Urban models linked to 2D domains.

    Please select the 'Dynamic Wave' option in the .inp file.

    Error while setting 1D simulation: invalid simulation start and end times in a SWMM model; simulation end time should be bigger than start time.

    A 1D Urban model has been set with start time that is later than the end time.

    Please select the start and end times, so that start time is earlier than end time.

    ERROR: failed during applying hydrology sources…

    An error occurred while copying data between device (GPU) and host (CPU) or launching a CUDA kernel.

    Unlikely to be experienced by the user. Retained for development purposes.

    ERROR occurred while saving the flow solution from 2D domain @ domain ID.

    An error occurred while copying data from device (GPU) to host (CPU) memory.

    Unlikely to be experienced by the user. Retained for development purposes.

    Error occurred while backing up x-discharge (or y-discharge) by x-corrector (or y-corrector).

    An error occurred while launching a CUDA kernel.

    Unlikely to be experienced by the user. Retained for development purposes.

    Failed to retrieve 2D flow upstream and downstream of the embedded weir: error detail

    An error occurred while transferring data between device (GPU) and host (CPU) memory or launching a CUDA kernel.

    Unlikely to be experienced by the user. Retained for development purposes.

    Failed to retrieve 2D flow upstream and downstream of the embedded Orifice: error detail

    An error occurred while transferring data between device (GPU) and host (CPU) memory or launching a CUDA kernel.

    Unlikely to be experienced by the user. Retained for development purposes.

    Failed to retrieve 2D flow upstream and downstream of the embedded Culvert: error detail

    An error occurred while transferring data between device (GPU) and host (CPU) memory or launching a CUDA kernel.

    Unlikely to be experienced by the user. Retained for development purposes.

    Failed to initialise flow link(s) between models name (2D) and name (1D).

    The initialisation of the 1D simulation failed because of an error in data transfers between device (GPU) and host (CPU).

    Unlikely to be experienced by the user. Retained for development purposes.

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