    • 11 Aug 2022
    • 2 Minutes to read


    Article summary

    The checks are arranged by subject and node type. There are five different subject areas: Sections, Spills / Floodplains / Reservoirs, Structures, Boundaries and GIS /Floodmapping. Each of these is further broken down into sub-sections which are listed below.

    It is possible to run all the selected checks by selecting the "Health Check" check box at the top of the list, individual checks by using the individual "Check" button next to the required test, or multiple checks, by selecting multiple check boxes. The Health Check will automatically generate a pre-formatted RTF (rich-text format) report that can be viewed in any text editor.

    The following checks are arranged in the following subject and sub-sections.

    1. Sections

      • General

      • Distance To Next vs Node Name

      • Nodes With Zero Initial Levels

      • Nodes With Below Invert Initial Conditions

      • River Sections

      • Panel Marker Existence

      • Left / Right Bank Markers

      • River Sections Cut Back (With Spills)

      • River Sections Cut Back (All Sections)

      • River Sections LiDAR / SAR Extension Disjoints

      • Glass Walling Against Max Stage CSV File

      • Roughness

      • Floodplain Roughness (Out of Bank Rougher Than In Bank)

      • Manning's Roughness In Range

      • Neighbouring Section Roughness Rate of Change Comparison

      • Storage To Flow Floodplain Changes

      • Node Spacing Analysis

      • Distance < 20 x Top Width Check (Initial Conditions)

      • Slope Distance to Next Check (1/(2s))

      • Erratic Node Spacing

      • Distance To Next Realism

    2. Spills / Floodplains / Reservoirs

      • Out Of Bank

      • Spill / Floodplain Length vs Distance To Next

      • Spill / Floodplain Elevations Matches Section Bank Elevations

      • Locate Side Spills / Floodplains With Default Coefficients

      • Reservoir To Reservoir Spills / Floodplains Default Coefficients

      • Other Default Coefficients

      • Spill / Floodplain High Coefficient

      • Spill / Floodplain Low Coefficient

      • Spill / Floodplain Modular Limits Checking

      • In Bank

      • Spill Invert Above Channel Invert

      • Reservoirs

      • Reservoir Initial Elevation

    3. Structures

      • Weirs / Sluices / Orifices
      • Bypass Spills
      • P1 / P2 Inverts
      • Weir Crest’s Above Channel Inverts
      • Weir Modular Limits Checking
      • Losses
      • Bernoulli Loss Elevation To Invert
      • Bernoulli Loss Spill Bypass
      • General Loss Spill Bypass
      • Culverts
      • Culvert Spill Bypass
      • Culverts Without Inlets And Outlets
      • Culverts With No Entry or Exit Structures
      • Culvert With No Entry and Exit Coefficients
      • Culvert Inlet and Outlet Orientation
      • Bridges
      • Bridge Spills
      • Bridge Spring Points / Spring Elevations
      • Bridge Manning's n Values
    4. Boundaries

      • FEH / ReFH

      • FEH / ReFH Storm Duration Consistency

      • FEH / ReFH Return Period Consistency

      • FEH / ReFH Hydrological Scaling Factor Consistency

      • ReFH

      • DDF Parameters Consistency Check

    5. GIS / Floodmapping

      • Check for Missing GIS Data (Entire Model)
      • Looped GIS Data
      • Intersecting Cross-Sections
      • Intersecting Spills / Floodplains
      • Intersecting Spills / Floodplains with Sections
      • Spill Orientation

    When running a number of checks, other default checks are also carried out automatically in the background. These checks are:

    • Flat Spills

    • Floodplain Units In Line

    • Mismatched FEH / ReFH Hydrology

    • Pumps with Single Pump Point Curves

    • IXY / GXY file check

    • Artificial V’s in Spills

    • Artificial V’s in River

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