1D river simulations
    • 23 Sep 2022
    • 2 Minutes to read

    1D river simulations

    Article summary

    The 1D river simulation window is designed to ease the use and re-use of run parameters and incorporates many features designed to improve 1D model management capabilities. The main features are:

    • Ability to save (and re-use) run parameters.
    • Ability to create different results files from the same data file.
    • Ability to specify time-varying units externally from the data file.
    • Alternative initial conditions file specification.
    • Snapshot file output facility.
    • Batch run facility (with optional TabularCSV postprocessing)
    • Setting of additional output variables.

    In general, the 1D simulation window represents a scenario, and consists of the following:

    • A main menu - with sub-menu headings of File, Run, View and Help.
    • Multiple tabs containing different categories of run parameters - with scroll buttons to access the tabs not initially visible off to the right of the window (alternatively you can resize the window to see all tabs)
    • Buttons at the base of the window - relating to starting a run or saving a new parameter file.

    From any tab view, the buttons towards the base of the window may be used as follows:

    • Run - runs a flow simulation with the currently loaded run parameters.
    • Open - displays a file dialog to open a previously saved ief file.
    • Save - saves current run data to currently loaded file. If no file is loaded, then the name defaults to that of the dat file + .ief.
    • Close - closes the Simulation window. If the run data has changed since the last save (or no previous run data exists for this data file), you will be prompted to save the file.

    The initial tab view presented to you when the window opens is the 'Times' page, though you can freely move between the other tabs. The available tabs in the 1D simulation window are:

    Brief definitions of most parameters in the different tabs are provided in the status bar, which is at the base of the Simulation window. To view a particular parameter definition, hover the mouse cursor over the relevant parameter name in the window.

    Log file

    A historical log file is automatically written each time a simulation is undertaken, consisting of the simulation files and parameters (other than the defaults), time and date of run and name of scenario file used. The name of the log file is the same as that of the scenario file (*.ief), with the extension .log appended (i.e. *.ief.log). If the scenario file has never been saved, then both the scenario file and log file will be written to the Windows TEMP directory. If the file scenario has been saved previously, but changed since the last save, then the log file name will follow the convention above, although a temporary scenario file will still be written to the TEMP directory.

    The log file may be viewed within the 1D simulation window by selecting File | View Log File , or by using any text editor. Writing of the log file may be disabled by toggling from the Run | Write Log File menu item.

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