1D river simulations - options tab
    • 01 Aug 2022
    • 2 Minutes to read

    1D river simulations - options tab

    Article summary

    In this tab, various simulation options can be specified. All of these can be left at their default settings, however adjustments can be made if desired.


    The options tab consists of various non-diagnostic binary options available for simulations as follows:



    Direct Method Transcritical solver

    Performs full supercritical and transcritical simulation (available in Direct Method Steady-State only)

    Automated Preissmann Slot for River Sections

    Adds a triangular slot in the base of all river sections in the model to aid stability. Slot dimensions are width pswide and depth psdeep (see Advanced Parameters tab)

    Use Sediment Module

    Perform Flood Modeller mobile bed simulation (Flood Modeller Sediment Transport Add-on licensees only; unsteady mode (Fixed Timestep) only)

    Write Quality File

    (Flood Modeller Quality Add on licensees only). Writes hydraulics parameters to results file for subsequent use with an Water Quality Add-On simulation.

    Control Unit Outputs

    Writes control unit data to *.zzo file (Control Module only)

    Matrix Singularity Check

    Performs matrix structure check prior to solving linearised flow equations

    Perform warm up start

    Runs extra timesteps at the simulation start time, gradually ramping the initial conditions towards the boundary conditions. Improves the convergence at the beginning of simulations with poor or inappropriate initial conditions. Requires a Warm-up time to be specified in the Times tab

    Run at Lower Priority

    Sets the Windows process priority for the simulation to "Below Normal" to allow other Windows applications to run concurrently at a higher priority

    Output Breach Profiles

    Outputs breach unit profiles to zzd file (breach option not yet available in Flood Modeller GUI v2.1)

    Automatic Shutdown

    Closes the run windows down at the end of a simulation without prompting for diagnostic file viewing, etc

    Decreasing Conveyance Check

    Checks that river section conveyance increases with increasing water levels

    Suppress Windows Output

    Suppresses run time information windows

    Perform Extra Timesteps at the beginning of a run

    Performs six extra pseudo-timesteps before the first model timestep1 to aid initial stability (disabled for steady direct run type)

    Output breach profiles

    Outputs Flood Modeller interpretation of user defined breach profiles (from breach units included in model. Data are written as series of x,y values in the output file.

    Steer starting pumps toward user rating

    Encourages Flood Modeller to utilise the user input segment of pump rating curve when a pump is activated during simulation (as opposed to equivalent backflow characteristic that Flood Modeller will define from rating curve data). By default this option is ticked active as this is the recommended setting.

    Coarse bridge section property interpolation

    If selected, bridge section properties are interpolated every 2% of the bridge section height including the vertical extension dfloodb. (If unselected, dfloodb is not included in this). Provided for backwards compatibility with versions 2.2 and earlier

    Output at start time

    If 'Initial Conditions', the results output at the Start Time are replicated from the initial conditions; if 'Calculated', then they are obtained from the results after the dummy timestepping at the start time (effectively the '0th' timestep).

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