1D river simulations - files tab
    • 05 Aug 2022
    • 4 Minutes to read

    1D river simulations - files tab

    Article summary

    This tab contains the names of the main input and output files which are being used for the simulation. When a new 1D simulation file is created, the Data File field will be automatically populated with the name of the 1D model data file (.DAT) currently loaded in the Project Structure panel. A description of the fields available in the 1D Simulation File window are described below. An (O) indicates that the field is optional; an (M) indicates a mandatory field:




    Event title (O)

    A single line title used to describe the event/scenario. If used, this overrides the data file title in the results plots, etc

    Description (O)

    Additional lines of descriptive text. Purely for illustrative purposes, has no effect on the output files or postprocessors

    Data File (M)

    Name of the main data file which is being used for the simulation

    Default File Path (O)

    Folder path for input/output files if not specified in the appropriate field

    Use Initial Conditions from...

    Allows you to choose the source of your Initial Conditions, either from the Network file - this uses the initial conditions data embedded in your 1D network file (.dat file), or the Initial Conditions file - this uses a separate, external text file, which defines the initial conditions for your network. This must be either a steady state output file (zzs) or a snapshot initial conditions file from a separate steady simulation (iic file - same format as a zzs file).  

    Initial Conditions File (O)

    If Initial Conditions file... is selected above, the name and location of the Initial Conditions file (.zzs or .iic) must be specified.

    This must be a either a steady state output file (zzs) or a snapshot initial conditions file from a separate steady simulation (iic file – same format as a zzs file). If this option is selected you must specify the external file you wish to utilise; either by dragging a file from the Initial Conditions section of your Project panel or by using the browse button provided.

    Results File (O)

    This field must be populated with the desired results file name if this is to be different from that of the data file. Although the file extension specified here by default is .zzl, all other results files (*.zzd, *.zzn, *.zzs, etc.) will take the same name as the *.zzl file

    Event Data (O)

    This table allows event specific data to be entered separately from the main data file in up to ten event data files (*.ied) (see notes below). To add a new item, use the Add button on the right of the grid. To remove the currently selected item from the grid, or to move it up or down, use the Remove, arrow up or arrow down buttons respectively. A title may be added to each event data file in the grid for purely descriptive purposes

    Event Data

    You can use the same base data file for multiple simulations by using Event Data files (*.ied). The main features of Event Data files are that the results files may be given names independently of the data file, and that time-varying units (e.g. Flow-Time and Head-Time boundaries, Hydrological boundaries, Sluices, Gated Weirs, Abstractions, Pumps) may be replaced by 'Event Data Files', which contain data specific only to this unit and scenario.
    Event Data Notes

    1. Event data files (*.ied) must be in the same format as Data files, although they do not require the General Systems Parameters or Initial Conditions data and only need to contain the event-specific units.

    2. Event data files only support units that are inherently time-dependent: QTBDY, HTBDY, QHBDY, All Hydrological Boundaries (FEHBDY, SCSBSY, FSSR16BDY), Vertical and Radial Sluices, Gated Weir, Pump, Abstraction, Breach.

    3. Event data files may contain just one unit per file, or multiple units can be lumped together within the same file, as long as they are one of the unit types listed above. Note that a maximum of 10 Event Data files may be used per simulation.

    4. Event data units must REPLACE a unit in the original data file, i.e. a unit of similar type with identical node label(s) must already exist in the data file. A QTBDY in the event data may replace a QTBDY or Hydrological boundary in the data file, for instance, but a Gated Weir may NOT replace an unsupported unit, such as a Sharp-Crested Weir.

    5. The easiest and safest way to create an Event Data file is to create or amend the required units in the main Flood Modeller interface, then highlight your desired units and use the File | Export | Partial function from the right mouse click menu.

    6. An information message is written near the top of the diagnostic file (*.zzd) when an event data file is being used.

    7. In the event of a read error in the event data file, the data from the data file will be used.

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