2D build tab
    • 07 Nov 2023
    • 4 Minutes to read

    2D build tab

    Article summary

    The 2D Build tab contains icons to assist with your 2D modelling.

    Select from the categories below for further details

    2D model components

    River linking

    Urban linking

    Topographic features

    TUFLOW components

    2D model components

    Computational Area

    Clicking on this button allows you to create a computational area shapefile in your map view. A new window will appear prompting you to specify a name and location where you would like your work to be saved. The shapefile created consists of a single rectangular polygon.

    Active Area

    Clicking on this button allows you to create an active area shapefile in your map view. A new window will appear prompting you to specify a name and location where you would like your work to be saved. The shapefile created can consist of one or multiple polygons drawn within the confines of the computational area.

    Boundary Line

    Clicking on this button allows you to create a boundary polyline shapefile that defines the location of a boundary input within your 2D model. A new window will appear prompting you to specify a name and location where you would like your shapefile to be saved.

    1D Structure

    Clicking on this button allows you to define a 1D structure (orifice, culvert or weir) to add to your 2D domain

    River linking

    River 1D / 2D Link Line Generator

    Clicking on this button allows you to automatically generate a link-line for connecting a 1D river network to 2D components.

    Level Link

    Clicking on this button allows you to generate a level link for connecting a river network to 2D components. In this link type, water levels from the river network are passed to the 2D components, and these are treated as a water level boundary condition.

    Flow Link

    Clicking on this button allows you to generate a flow link for connecting a river network to 2D components. In this link type, flows are calculated by the river network (e.g. from a spill unit) and passed to the 2D components, and these are treated as a water level boundary condition.

    Weir Link

    Clicking on this button allows you to generate a weir link for connecting a river network to 2D components. In this link type, water levels from the river network are passed to the 2D components, and weir equations are used to calculate a flow into the 2D domain. Weir coefficient and modular limit parameters must also be specified within the 2D domain.

    Urban linking

    1D Urban / 1D River

    This button opens the '1D Urban/1D River' linking tool.

    1D Urban / 2D

    This button activates '1D Urban/2D' linking in the urban network panel on the right-hand-side of the screen.

    Topographic features


    Clicking on this button allows you to create a points shapefile. This feature allows you to specify revised spot levels for point locations in a model extent. When this is included in a model, Flood Modeller will override the ground level of the model DTM grid cell underlying each point location. The only required attribute for this file needs to be entitled “height” and the revised ground level should be entered here.


    Clicking on this button allows you to create a polyline shapefile. This feature allows you to specify revised levels for lines within your model extent. When this is included in a model, Flood Modeller will override the ground level of the model DTM grid cells underlying each line with the revised level associated to each polyline. The required attributes for this file are entitled “height1” and “height2” and these then represent the revised ground levels at the start and end of each line in the shapefile. Flood Modeller will use these values to interpolate levels along the length of each polyline.


    Clicking on this button allows you to create a polyline shapefile. This feature allows you to specify revised levels for areas within your model extent. When this is included in a model, Flood Modeller will override the ground level of the model DTM grid cells underlying each polygon area with the revised level associated to each polygon. The only required attribute for this file needs to be entitled “height” and the revised ground level should be entered here.

    TUFLOW components

    TUFLOW Link Lines

    Clicking this button enables you to add TUFLOW link lines to your model.

    Model Extent

    Clicking on this button enables you to draw a rectangle in the viewport to represent a TUFLOW model extent. This is saved as a polygon shapefile, which can then either be used directly in your model or exported as a mif/mid file.

    Active Area

    Clicking on this button enables you to draw a polygon in the viewport to represent an active area for a TUFLOW model. This is saved as a polygon shapefile, which can then either be used directly in your model or exported from Flood Modeller as a mif/mid file.

    Connection Line

    Clicking on this button enables you to draw polyline shapefile with attributes required for TUFLOW BC and CN lines (boundary and 1D/2D connection lines). It can be used in conjunction with the snapping tool (to enable precise line definitions). The finished shapefile can then either be used directly in your model or exported from Flood Modeller as a mif/mid file.

    SHP to MIF

    Clicking on this button allows you to create a MapInfo format file (mif/mid file) from the currently selected shapefile in your Layers window.

    1D Network

    Clicking on this button allows you to insert a 1D network layer into your map view (1d_nwk file) as new polyline shapefile. This can then either be used directly in your project or exported from Flood Modeller as a MapInfo mif/mid file.

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