The hydrological analyses we undertake will all be stored within a Hydrology+ project. We'll start a new Hydrology+ project for this tutorial. It is recommended to fill out the project details (description, comments, etc.) as fully as possible for all projects you work on.
In the project, we want to create a calculation point at our site of interest - the Haw Bridge location. Here we will complete a full hydrological analysis. Viewing the properties of the calculation point, we notice the gauge data is available for further review as needed.
A calculation point can also be created from a location where you have purchased FEH (Flood Estimation Handbook) catchment descriptors. This is outside of the scope of this tutorial, however further details on downloading, importing, and using FEH catchment descriptors can be found in this article on FEH catchments.
Create a new Hydrology+ project. Within this project, create a calculation point at the Haw Bridge gauging station. View the properties of the calculation point and note that the first tabs match those within the river gauging station.
Read step-by-step guidance
To create a Hydrology+ project:
In the Hydrology+ tab, click New.
Provide a Name for your project.
A project reference number, description, and additional comments are optional. We recommend you provide these details as fully as possible for all projects.
Click OK and the Hydrology+ project will be created and open, ready for you to begin.
In the map view, select gauge "Severn at Haw Bridge".
From the gauge label, select Create calculation point. This option is also available via a right-click menu from the gauge station.
If selecting a gauge does not display a label, click Settings in the top left of the Hydrology+ tab and ensure the second checkbox Show summary gauge information when selecting a gauge is checked on. Click Apply and then OK to save these changes.
Provide a name for your calculation point.
A description and additional comments for your calculation point are optional. We recommend you provide these details as fully as possible for all calculation points.
Click OK and the Calculation point will be added to the Map view.
To view a calculation point:
Click View calculation points to view the icons in the Map view.
Click Calculation point Tabular View to list the calculation points in a table.
To open the properties of a Calculation point:
From the map view, right-click on the Calculation point and select Calculation point properties.
From the tabular view, right-click on the Calculation point and select View calculation point info.
From the tabular view, double-click on the Calculation point in the table.
Further details on calculation points can be found in the Calculation points article.
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