- 24 Oct 2024
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Gauge stations
- Updated on 24 Oct 2024
- 6 Minutes to read
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This page contains technical information relating to hydrometric data available in Flood Modeller via River Stations menu under the Hydrology+ tab. For an overview of the River Stations functionality, please see the Gauge stations article under the Hydrology+ section of the knowledge base.
Data Sources
Flood Modeller provides access to river measurements (both river level and flow) collected at river gauges (also known as "stations") from across the United Kingdom. Flood Modeller current uses two sources of data:
- National River Flow Archive (NRFA) published by UKCEH
- Hydrology Data collected by the Environment Agency and published by DEFRA.
Additional details of these data sources are provided below. We will continue to add data sources to Flood Modeller in future releases and would welcome suggestions of additional providers/sources which would support users.
National River Flow Archive
The National River Flow Archive (NRFA) is the UK’s focal point for river flow data and is maintained by the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH). The NRFA collates, quality controls, and archives hydrometric data from gauging station networks across the UK including the extensive networks operated by the Environment Agency (England), Natural Resources Wales, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and for Northern Ireland, the Department for Infrastructure - Rivers. Full details of the NRFA are available on their website - National River Flow Archive.
NRFA API with a focus on displaying data needed for flood hydrological analysis. Users are able to access information on river station types and quality, catchment descriptors and peak flow records for use in FEH analysis.
Flood Modeller provides data from NRFA via theEnvironment Agency Hydrology Data
The Environment Agency (a non-departmental public body sponsored by DEFRA) is the gauging authority for England and maintains an extensive fleet of environmental monitoring stations. Flood Modeller makes use of the Hydrology Data API to provide data to users. The Hydrology API provides access to historic and recent hydrological data including river flows, river levels, groundwater levels, rainfall and water quality. At present Flood Modeller provides access to only river flow (m3/s) and river level (m) data, though we are planning to expand data types in future releases.
Environment Agency data can also be access via a dedicated website Hydrology Explorer.
Flood Modeller Interface
The River Station interface is located under the Hydrology+ tab and described here, with additional details provided below.
Gauging stations can be made visible on the map using the "View River Stations" menu. Users can choose to display all Environment Agency and NRFA data or apply filters buy station type (e.g. flow or level).
Once a gauge is selected, a popup box will provide summary information about the gauge.
- The top left hand corner lists data types available - Level and Flow (Environment Agency) and NRFA (UKCEH)
- If a NRFA station, the centre of the box summaries station quality, including:
- Peak Flow - Whether or not the station is a Peak Flow station and included in the NRFA Peak Flow dataset.
- Suitable for Pooling - Whether or not the station has been classified as suitable for use in FEH pooled analysis
- Suitable for QMED- Whether or not the station has been classified as suitable for use in FEH QMED analysis
Detailed gauge information is then available by clicking "view full info" in the bottom left hand corner or "View Gauge Information" via the right click menu.
Site Info
The Site Info tab provides an overview of general details such as Catchment Area, Operating Period, FEH Suitability, and Flow Record Description. These data are sourced from NRFA via the API.
The Recorded Datum is the adjustment between the river water level recorded at the gauge using a local datum and the Ordnance Survey datum at Newlyn. For river levels to be comparable to local topography (e.g. LiDAR) they should be adjusted by adding the datum value. Datums displayed in Flood Modeller are provided by the Environment Agency but should always be checked for accuracy. Datums can be overridden by the user as described below.
Field in interface | Description |
Use user-specified datum | Checkbox to enable user-specified datum. When checked, the field becomes enabled for entry of a user define gauge datum. Datum is used to convert from local gauge datum to national datum (metres above sea level). |
Observed Data
Tab provides observed gauge data in both 15 minute and daily average scale from the Environment Agency. Depending upon station type, both flow and water level data maybe available. When first opened, there maybe a pause while gauge data are cached to enable rapid navigation, performance can be limited by network connection speeds. By default, daily data are displayed to speed access and navigation. At a pre-defined zoom level, the chart will change to 15 minute data.
The entire dataset can be displayed in the graph window, equipped with a movable ruler at the bottom. This ruler, sliding from both ends, allows you to narrow down your focus to a specific timeframe.
A toolbar along the top of the window provides the following functionality:
Field in interface | Description |
Chart options | Opens a menu with the following options:
View Switch | Enables users to select their preference of data viewed. Select between river flow or river level. |
Range Dropdown Calendar | A calendar to enable user to specify an exact timespan for the data displayed. |
Navigation arrows | To provide further navigation through the data. If you know the historical event falls between specific dates, you can navigate back and forth using the symbols > and <, enabling you to explore the timeframe before and after the event. |
Data timespan buttons | Immediately switches to show the data specified. Select between all data, 5 years, 1 year, 6 months, 8 weeks, 4 weeks, and 1 week of data. |
Export Boundary | Allows for the data displayed to be exported. This button will be greyed out if there is too much data to export in a single boundary. Zoom in to view 8 weeks of data or less to enable the button. |
From the Export Observed Data window, you can select from the options below:
Field in interface | Description |
Gauge Name | Name of source gauge. This can be overridden by the user. |
Start Date End Date | Start and end date/time of export. |
Comments | Allows users to provide comments on data export which are saved with the exported file for future reference. Save Comment - Enable/Disable saving of user comment Save Metadata - Enable/Disable saving of export metadata with exported file. Meta data includes date of export, data source, exporting user, etc. |
Export format | Select from a
Time data | Select between Absolute or Relative. If Relative is selected, then the option to select Units of Time (HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS) appears. |
Data manipulation | Shown only if the format selected is .ied. These options are discussed further in the articles Flow Time Boundary and Head Time Boundary |
CSV export options | Shown only if the format selected is .csv. Select between 2 columns (date/time, value), or 3 columns (date, time, value). |
Cancel | Closes the Export Observed Data window without saving any data. |
Export | Enables users to choose a filename and location to save the selected data. |
Export Dataset | Table displaying data to be exported. |
Peak Flow Data
This tab displays the AMAX and POT data for NRFA Peak Flow gauges sourced from NRFA. Both annual maximum (AMAX) flows and peaks over threshold (POT) data are shown along side data classifications.
A toolbar along the top of the window provides the following functionality:
Field in interface | Description |
Chart options | Open a menu with the following options: