Gauge station view
    • 20 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read

    Gauge station view

    Article summary

    Gauge stations will be displayed on the Map view when a gauge type has been selected via the View river stations button.

    A gauge selected in the Map view will show a summary of the gauge information (if this setting is checked on in the Application Settings.) The summary window provides the following options:

    Field in interfaceDescription
    View full infoOpens the full information of the selected Gauge station in a new window.
    Create calculation pointCreates a Calculation point to perform hydrological analysis at this gauge station. This option is only available at NRFA stations with FEH catchment descriptors available and will be greyed out otherwise.
    CloseCloses the summary window.

    A right-click menu is also available from gauge stations loaded into the Map view. This menu contains the following options:

    Field in interfaceDescription
    View gauge informationOpens the full information of the selected Gauge station in a new window.
    View catchment descriptor informationThese options are relevant only when the selected component in the map is an FEH catchment descriptor.
    Delete catchment descriptor
    Create calculation pointCreates a Calculation point to perform hydrological analysis at this gauge station. This option is only available at NRFA stations with FEH catchment descriptors available and will be greyed out otherwise.
    Calculation point propertiesThese options are relevant only when the selected component in the map is a Calculation Point.
    Delete calculation point
    Other menu itemsThe remaining menu items are not specific to FEH catchments. 

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