Linking to TUFLOW
    • 03 Aug 2022
    • 1 Minute to read

    Linking to TUFLOW

    Article summary

    Flood Modeller can also be used to setup simulations using components created with TUFLOW and ESTRY and integrating these with Flood Modeller components, e.g. integrating a Flood Modeller 1D river network with 2D components from TUFLOW.

    Flood Modeller v6.0 is compatible with all versions of TUFLOW, however for older versions you should Confirm TUFLOW compatibility.

    When linking Flood Modeller and TUFLOW, you will need to Point to the TUFLOW engine location within the Flood Modeller interface.

    One of your first decisions when creating your integrated model is to Select the TUFLOW link-type to use. When linking to TUFLOW, HX connections are recommended when you have natural flood embankments. SX connections are recommended when you have artificial flood defences (e.g. a flood defence wall).

    The link between the 1D and 2D models is defined by lines connecting node points to the appropriate section of a boundary line. In TUFLOW, these can be defined in a MIF/MID or shapefile format with 1D/2D connection lines referenced as 'CN'. The boundary lines they link to are referenced as 'HX'.

    In Flood Modeller, you can Use the TUFLOW link-lines generator to generate these 1D-2D link lines. Alternatively, the lines can be defined as a standard polyline shapefile, and the required attribute fields added, to Link to TUFLOW manually.

    Once the link-line has been created, this should be referenced in the TUFLOW boundary control file (.tbc). Finally, you need to Configure the 1D simulation window for linking to TUFLOW.

    Ensure you save your simulation to keep any changes. Your integrated simulation is now ready to run. This is run in exactly the same way as when you Run a 1D river simulation.

    Flood Modeller also provides functionality to Create a link to ESTRY. A typical application of components linked in this way would be representation of an inundation of an urban area, with the river modelled by the Flood Modeller's 1D river solver and culverts and other structures on the inundated area modelled in the ESTRY component of TUFLOW.

    If you encounter issues with your integrated simulation, exploring the Diagnostics and tips will help identify problems and resolve warnings and errors.

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