Release Notes
    • 25 Jul 2024
    • 32 Minutes to read

    Release Notes

    Article summary

    This article includes the release notes for all versions of Flood Modeller that are currently supported. 

    Flood Modeller 7.1.1

    Flood Modeller 7.1

    Flood Modeller 7.0.2

    Flood Modeller 7.0.1

    Flood Modeller 7.0

    Flood Modeller 6.2

    Flood Modeller 6.1

    Flood Modeller 6.0

    Version 7.1.1

    Released 26 June 2024

    Enhanced utility for assigning access rights to Hydrology+ database

    The program “GrantRightsFM.exe”, which runs as part of the Flood Modeller software install, allows users other than the installer account to access the Hydrology+ database, e.g. in cases where an IT administrator has run the installation on behalf of the user. It was found that in v7.1.0 (and earlier versions) this was not working for selected IT setups. The revised version in Flood Modeller v7.1.1 should work for a greater majority of users.

    User interface layout bug

    It was found that installing v7.1.0 over v7.0 caused an issue with two Hydrology+ data tables not displaying. These were:

    1. The table displaying the summary of available FEH catchment descriptors
    2. The table listing the calculation points defined within the selected Hydrology+ project

    Both tables should be displayed below the map view (in the default display layout).

    The issue could be fixed within v7.1.0 by copying the Flood Modeller installation folder, “C:\Program Files\Flood Modeller”, to a new location or simply renaming this folder to something other than “Flood Modeller”. However, for many users restricted administrative rights means this is not an option. The issue has now been in fixed for all users in v7.1.1.

    Version 7.1

    Released 19 June 2024

    Hydrology+ stage 2

    In this release, we continue the journey with Flood Modeller’s cutting-edge Hydrology+ tools, designed to enhance and simplify your hydrological analysis. These features within Flood Modeller v7.1 are available for all network licence users.

    Hydrology+ Projects

    All calculations and analyses related to an area requiring a hydrological investigation can now be stored within Flood Modeller within a user defined Hydrology+ project. Within your project you can define one or multiple calculation points which are locations where you have catchment descriptor data available, and this is utilised to run ReFH2 and WINFAP analyses and to define reconciled hydrographs from these. The hydrographs can then be used as boundary inputs to your 1D and 2D models. 

    As with all of Hydrology+ functionality, the facility to provide metadata and comments explaining your calculations is provided and stored with your Hydrology+ project. Furthermore, you can share your projects with others, via project import/export functions, thus enabling others to review and comment on your analyses.

    Calculation Points

    Hydrology+ calculation points can be created wherever you have FEH catchment descriptor data available. This could be at purchased FEH catchments that you have imported into your Hydrology+ database. Alternatively, this could be at selected NRFA gauge locations (peak flow gauge sites in the UK) that also include FEH catchment data (this is a subset of the purchased catchment data, but still sufficient for hydrological analyses).

    Calculation Points give you direct and integrated access to ReFH2 and WINFAP analysis tools (provided by Wallingford Hydro Solutions):

    • ReFH2 enables you to calculate suites of hydrographs for your catchment location, representing different storm duration and return periods, urban and rural land use types and different climate change scenarios.
    • WINFAP enables peak flows to be calculated for your catchment location, utilising both local catchment parameters and comparisons to historical peak flow records for similar catchments around the UK.

    The FEH catchment data is used as the input data for ReFH2 and WINFAP analyses. In your calculation point you can edit the imported catchment data to create different versions of these catchment datasets, e.g. adjust catchment area or signify a planned change in urban extent. You can then select which dataset to feed into ReFH2 and WINFAP to create and store multiple versions of ReFH2 and WINFAP analyses.

    With each version of data or analysis you create the calculation point provides the facility to add comments and descriptions explaining your actions. Thus, an audit trail for your data is maintained and this can be utilised to enhance your hydrological reporting.

    The calculation point also allows you to store a library of processed hydrographs, ready for use as input data in your subsequent 1D river and 2D simulations. Hydrographs are defined by combining user selected versions of ReFH2 hydrographs, WINFAP peak flows and climate change or custom scaling factors. These computed hydrographs are all stored against the selected calculation point. You can export hydrographs from the calculation point in a csv text format that can be directly read into 1D river or 2D simulations as boundary data.

    Running ReFH2 Analyses

    Calculation Points in your Hydrology+ projects enable you to run Wallingford Hydro Solutions (WHS) ReFH2 software to define storm events and subsequent runoff flow time series for your catchment. You can use downloaded catchment descriptors or custom variations of these to provide inputs into these analyses. 

    When you return to the Flood Modeller interface from the ReFH2 software, you will be prompted to save your analysis as a new “version” against the calculation point. Each calculation point can have multiple ReFH2 analysis versions saved against it. 

    The results from these analyses can be viewed in Flood Modeller and these charts provide functionality to manipulate the displayed data and to export the chart or underlying data for use in other applications, e.g. chart images for use in reports, chart data for further manipulation in MS Excel (or similar).

    You can select a preferred version of your ReFH2 analyses to utilise in the creation of hydrographs for use as boundary inputs in 1D river and 2D simulations. In addition, you can export your analyses to csv text format files. Exported files use the standard ReFH2 format and these data can be utilised as rainfall boundary inputs in either 1D river or 2D models.

    Running WINFAP Analyses

    Calculation Points in your Hydrology+ projects enable you to run Wallingford Hydro Solutions (WHS) WINFAP software to define peak flow values for your catchment (for multiple return periods). You can use downloaded catchment descriptors or custom variations of these to provide inputs into these analyses. 

    When you return to the Flood Modeller interface from the WINFAP software, you will be prompted to save your analysis as a new “version” against the calculation point. Each calculation point can have multiple WINFAP analysis versions saved against it.

    The results from these analyses can be viewed in Flood Modeller and these charts provide functionality to manipulate the displayed data and to export the chart or underlying data for use in other applications, e.g. chart images for use in reports, chart data for further manipulation in MS Excel (or similar).

    You can select a preferred version of your WINFAP analyses to utilise in the creation of hydrographs for use as boundary inputs in 1D river and 2D simulations.

    Hydrograph Reconciliation - Scaling Tool

    Hydrology+ calculation points include a tool to reconcile hydrographs by combining ReFH2 hydrographs with WINFAP peak flows. This scaling tool prompts to select a version of your ReFH2 and WINFAP analyses saved against your calculation point. These are then combined to create scaled hydrographs. The tool can also lookup the available climate change factors for your calculation point location and apply these to your hydrographs. Alternatively, the tool provides the option to apply user defined scale factors.

    Data and settings selected in the definition of your scaled hydrographs can have comments stored with them, thus providing an audit trail to explain all decisions made. 

    Calculation points list the hydrographs defined against them in a hydrograph library table. These data can be reloaded into the scaling tool to enable you to review the hydrographs you’ve defined. In addition, library entries can be exported as sets of flow time series in a csv text format. These data files can be read directly by both the 1D river and 2D solvers as boundary inputs into models.

    Hydrology+ boundaries in 1D river modelling

    You can use Hydrology+ hydrographs in 1D river simulations. Simply set up your model using flow boundary units (QTbdy units) to define locations of inflow boundaries. Then, at simulation runtime, specify a hydrograph csv file (as exported from a calculation point) in the 1D river simulation setup and select the time series to use, e.g. which return period, and the QTbdy where you want to apply it.

    In addition, you can utilise ReFH2 csv outputs (as exported from a calculation point) as boundary data for rainfall inputs to your 1D river model.

    Hydrology+ boundaries in 2D modelling

    You can use Hydrology+ hydrographs in 2D simulations. Simply specify a hydrograph csv file (as exported from a calculation point) in the 2D model setup as a new boundary input. Then, select the time series to use, e.g. which return period, and a polyline shapefile to define where you want to apply it.

    In addition, you can utilise ReFH2 csv outputs (as exported from a calculation point) as boundary data for rainfall inputs to your 2D model. For this case, specify the ReFH2 csv file with a polygon shapefile to define the location of your rainfall. Then, select which return period of direct rainfall data to use.

    Related articles

    What is Hydrology+?

    H+ projects and the database

    Gauge stations

    FEH catchments

    Calculation points

    Using H+ outputs in simulations

    Hydrology+ FAQs

    New Damage Calculator Tool

    The Damage Calculator tool has been enhanced with the inclusion of additional indirect damages in calculations. Furthermore, access to the Damage Calculator is now made easy via a new Toolbar button on the Results tab. There is still the option to access the tool via the Toolbox (as before). It should also be noted that new Damage Calculator can now only be run from inside Flood Modeller and with a valid licence.

    Related articles

    Using Damage Calculator

    Access, load and review Fathom Flood Map data

    Users with Fathom accounts can access and automatically load Fathom online flood map datasets, e.g. global flood map data for initial site assessments. These data load in Flood Modeller as geoTIFF format grids. Access to Fathom data is from a new button on the Results tab of the main toolbar. To use this function, you must have a valid Fathom account and you first need to enter your account details in the Flood Modeller General Settings window (i.e. similar to Bing and Ordnance Survey settings).

    Related articles

    Fathom data

    Additional enhancements

    • Simplified Chart Menus - Simplified menus for charts displaying recorded data from the flow and level gauges included in Hydrology+. These enable you to quickly access tools to copy chart data to clipboard or save to file. These options apply to both the underlying chart data and the chart display as an image.
    • Share Hydrology+ projects using import and export functions.
    • UK national gauge datasets in Hydrology+ have been revised to make it easier to locate available flow and level records.
    • Defaults in new 2D models have been modified to make more models more stable from the start.
    • 2D 2D domain names will now use the model XML filename as a default name instead of “domain1” – subsequent results folders and filenames will therefore have more unique names to make it easier to find your results, i.e. they will also incorporate the model name (as folder names are based on domain names).
    • Hover over version number on start page to get build date – a copy function is provided, e.g. to facilitate copying into emails to provide information to support team.
    • Export function improved – useful for users to pass problem projects to support.
    • Selected improvements to robustness, speed and efficiency of 2D solvers to further improve model performance.

    Additional bug fixes

    • Update to 1D river model preferences to ensure user settings are saved (a reaction to a recent support issue).
    • 1D river time series plotting issue fixed: Page through 1D time series freezes Flood Modeller - issue of "zero" dates present in plotted data.
    • Resolved access violation in gdal.dll when running 2D simulations with zmod elements.
    • Load zmod check files menu item doesn't load referenced check file.
    • Batch Runner issue fixed: Post-processing was only running first item in batch.
    • Differing start times seen with GPU vs CPU for 2D models that include nonzero / 0000 start dates.
    • Embedded Structure units with comments included (in str files) cause 2D solvers to fail.
    • New ReFH2 csv files that include FEH22 data cannot be loaded in 1D River simulation editor (as boundary input data).
    • 2D GPU freezes when sediment properties and/or relative error are specified as outputs in XMDF format.
    • Buttons “Set Projection” and “Properties” do not work on Start > Project Info page of user interface.
    • Export (to csv) of Hydrology+ observed gauge time series does not include Comment AND Metadata fields.
    • 2D GPU XMDF output for waterlevel displays full extent, i.e. all cells wet, even when dry.
    • Reported Q-link flow for 2D GPU run can be incorrect in some cases.
    • 1D river run info not displayed in batch mode for a Linked 2D-1D River simulation.
    • Default time units 1D river QTBDY are SECONDS.
    • Error in Export for some project configurations.
    • 1D river long section plot tool not recognising selected time field.
    • Orifice area for pierloss bridge includes obstructed area.
    • USBPR shows blockage ratio > 1, and no afflux until a long while after flow has started constricting.
    • Editing rows in USBPR unit adds in unrealistic values of Manning's n.
    • Bad (unhelpful) error message on trying to save a read-only 1D network file.
    • Missing parenthesis from 2D Time Series: Save Plot Points file, i.e. filters menu says “Plot Points File *.csv)” instead of “Plot Points File (*.csv)”.
    • Maximum relative mass error output file is given “.asc” extension when set to export to geotiff.
    • Maximum output for rotated grid (ADI) simulations are not rotated when set to export to ASCII (“.asc”) format – simulation should abort 2D solver if model outputs are ASCII or netCDF and computational grid is rotated.
    • netCDF outputs for rotated grid 2D (ADI) simulations are not rotated - simulation should abort 2D solver if model outputs are ASCII or netCDF and computational grid is rotated.
    • "Flow splits incorrect at junction" error in 1D river Direct Method.
    • 1D river Direct method cannot handle really simple models.
    • Pierloss bridge and .ied event file(s) in same 1D river model do not work with US units?
    • Plot section tool for 2D grids crashes interface in some scenarios.
    • Flood Modeller project export function - false message displayed "Failed to save project file".
    • USBPR 1D river bridge unit - Flood Relief Culverts table display [orifice cd] is incorrect.
    • Auto interpolation dx change from default is not “displayed” in displayed dialogue.
    • Error message when saving Hydrology+ specific settings.
    • Bulk FEH Catchment import (i.e. multiple catchments in a single zip file) into Hydrology+ can fail to display anything in user interface.
    • 2D simulation with inflow from QTBDY in 1D river event file (ied file) doesn't pick up correct start time if this is not zero.
    • Including zmod elements in 2D models can cause some simulations to hang.
    • Untrapped Fortran RTL error 172 in zmod processing in 2D models.
    • Distorted output of maximum water depth in selected test models when using 2D TVD-GPU.
    • Hazard calculation inconsistencies in some 2D model scenarios.
    • Editing a ReFH2 unit in a 1D river event file (ied file) did not trigger a "Save: Yes|No" message when switching to make a different network active.
    • Interpolation of 1D river levees with slot and adverse slope fails.
    • Flood Modeller project export does not copy “.hdr” file associated with “.flt” binary grid file format.
    • Drag and drop in Project Panel no longer works.
    • 2D model xml with no schema location gives an error.
    • 2D run log graph menu options are out of step with variable displayed.
    • 1D river diagnostic file (zzd file) does not contain the correct build number and date if part of a 1D-2D linked model.
    • Improved warnings / information in diagnostics when problem encountered using 2013 DDF rainfall in ReFH2 boundary unit in 1D river models.

    Version 7.0.2

    Released January 2024

    IT administration procedures/settings could cause end-users to experience issues connecting to their Hydrology+ database. Two changes have been made to mitigate this problem; the software no longer connects to the Hydrology+ database automatically on initial start-up, and an additional utility is included within the installation.

    The TIN Creator bug (addressed temporarily in v7.0.1) has been permanently fixed.

    Version 7.0.1

    Released December 2023

    When trying to use the TIN creator, the tool would crash. This patch replaces the TIN creator standalone executable with the previous version to resolve this bug.

    Version 7.0

    Released November 2023

    Introducing Hydrology+

    In this release, we introduce Flood Modeller’s cutting-edge Hydrology+ tools, designed to enhance and simplify your hydrological analysis. These features within Flood Modeller v7 are available for all network licence users.

    The new Hydrology+ tab includes functionality to view gauge stations and FEH catchment descriptors, integrating information from EA and NRFA sources, to offer a comprehensive view of hydrological data.

    Using FEH catchment descriptors from your hydrology database

    For your downloaded FEH catchments, importing the data to your personal hydrology database is intuitive. Once imported, this data can be used in all future sessions. The catchments can be displayed on the Map view, creating a visual representation of your hydrological landscape. You can explore your catchments effortlessly; toggle their display, or opt for the FEH tabular view to populate all catchments in a horizontal table.

    Using real-time gauge station data in a model

    For gauge stations, accessing real-time data has never before been this straightforward. You can easily load the gauge stations of interest, and in just a few mouse clicks, access data sourced directly from the EA and NRFA. Flood Modeller also simplifies the process of using this data within your analysis. Use the range calendar drop-down to precisely define your timeframe, or simply click-and-drag over the plot to zoom in on intricate details, ensuring you capture the exact data you need. Effortlessly export this data to an event file or .csv file, for use within your 1D and 2D models.

    Exported data files automatically include additional Metadata allowing you to confirm who has exported the data, from where, and on which date. This ensures a seamless process when passing models between team members, eliminating any confusion or possible human error.

    Related articles


    The Hydrology+ tab

    Gauge Stations

    Enhanced diagnostics

    Additional information has been added to the 2D diagnostics to warn against a problematic setting of boundary or link elevation/depth cells that have only active neighbours. This enables the user to change the setting accordingly.

    Removed dependency on Access Database Engine

    Previously, a dependency on the Access Database Engine was causing errors as certain operating systems rejected this. The dependency has now been removed to resolve this issue.

    More accurate computation of velocity in the TVD solver

    Froude-based computation of the velocity at H-cells has been adopted for McCormackTVD (i.e. TVD). This results in increased accuracy for the computation of velocity in these specific scenarios.

    Enhanced 1D river unit editing

    The option in settings to keep both the plot and unit form on the screen together has been implemented. This improves the experience when editing 1D river units.

    Additional bug fixes

    • Drowning factor for flapped embedded structures may become NaN
    • Z-mod gives holes, and sets non-modded areas to constant value
    • Access violation in gdal.dll when running 2D simulations with z-mod
    • Loading XMDF results from project file or layer panel misses out "9999" step
    • RunOnly licences not picked up (by default/if forced)
    • 1D river timeseries plot showing 'Stage (mAD)' on the left axis instead of plotted variable's units
    • Z-Surface: appearance of triangles outside the polygon area
    • Missing timesteps from bed-shear CPU SMS outputs
    • Load z-mod check files not working
    • Embedded Structure .str files with comments cause solvers to fail
    • Fatal error caused by 2D embedded 1D structure interface, and on editing embedded structures
    • 2D Embedded 1D Structure Form not showing the structures shapefile attributes when Relative Paths are set
    • 2D GPU freezes on XMDF outputs of sediment properties and/or relative error
    • 2D GPU solver: elapsed, ETR and EFT timings reported to the LF2 are incorrect
    • Can't add new rows in 1D river data tables via arrow down/return, etc.
    • 1D River Network Table search tool not working

    Version 6.2

    Released June 2023

    Run Edition licences now available

    Run Edition licences allow you to seamlessly scale up the number of available concurrent simulations; a huge benefit for compute intensive projects. They also enable additional users to run simulations, leaving your full licence(s) free for those building, editing and reviewing models.

    You can effortlessly use a Run licence both within or outside of the Flood Modeller interface, e.g. via code developed using the Flood Modeller API. Please contact for further details on adding these licences to your configuration on an annual basis.

    Related articles

    How to use a Run licence

    New z-mod tools

    In v6.2, the existing Z line topographic adjustment functionality is augmented by the new Z mod suite of tools. These enable areas (rather than lines) of elevation data within your 2D domain to be adjusted using a variable surface. The surface extent is defined by a polygon and the elevations within this surface are specified by a set of spot heights defined in one or multiple point shapefiles (the minimum requirement being to specify heights at each vertex of the polygon). In addition, one or multiple polylines can be used to specify break lines within the Z mod surface extent.

    Pre-processing within the 2D solvers will triangulate the input Z mod polygon to create a variable height surface, interpolating between the specified spot heights and ensuring any specified internal polylines are incorporated as break lines (i.e. not crossed by any triangles). The 2D solvers will utilise these interpolated surfaces in the same way as fixed height additional topographic features, i.e. values can replace or add to underlying DTM elevations.

    Specifying Z mod elevation data is made easy with the introduction of new Z mod tools. Functionality provided within the suite of tools allows you to quickly and efficiently:

    • Draw a Z mod area where you want to specify elevations. 
    • Draw lines or sets of points within a Z mod area as new Z mod shapefile elements.
    • Use the Z mod vertices tool to automatically extract the vertices from a polygon (or polyline) shapefile to create a new Z mod point shapefile. The tool will also populate the elevation attribute of the point shapefile with data from a grid, such as a DTM.
    • Edit Z mod points attributes - manually specify the solver adjustment method, e.g. “set” = provided values replace underlying DTM elevations (default method) and “add” = values are added to the underlying elevation. Edit mode also enables you to adjust the elevations at individual vertices.

    The Z mod functionality is useful for specifying more realistic (spatially varying) elevations for proposed defences, filling holes/areas of missing data in your underlying DTM, and much more.

    Related articles

    How to create a z-mod feature

    How to define a z-mod area

    How to use the z-mod vertices tool

    How to edit z-mod attributes

    How to add z-mod features to a simulation

    Improved 2D plotting

    The functionality provided in the user interface for the visualisation of 2D results has been significantly enhanced. It is now possible to easily compare like for like results from multiple simulations. Other plotting functionality now available when reviewing 2D results is as follows:

    • All 2D chart tools upgraded to deliver similar style to 1D chart tools
    • Existing chart options maintained: Time series plots, cross-section plots and flow line plots
    • New standalone tool for viewing embedded structure data
    • Separate charts (in the same view) for each selected variable
    • Comparison of results from same location in multiple models or different locations in the same model
    • Comparison of results from different locations in the same model
    • Enables plotting of results not loaded in map view – saving time accessing results
    • Customise charts effortlessly using the new Quick-Edit tool provided for each chart type.
    • Allows saving of plot locations for re-use in multiple charts

    Related articles

    How to produce a plot of 2D time series results

    How to produce a plot of cross-sectional data

    How to produce a flow line plot

    How to produce a plot with 1D embedded structures

    Additional 2D output of relative mass error

    The 2D solvers have been enhanced to include the option to output temporally and spatially varying mass balance data. Assessment of mass balance data is integral to the validation of hydraulic models (1D, 2D or linked models). Previously the 2D solvers have produced overall mass balance data for each modelled domain, which is data that can be used to assess the quality of a model. However, on its own, these data do not indicate the precise location of any stability problems within the model. 

    New models are now setup to include a relative mass error variable in the time series grid outputs. These data are an additional scalar output within the chosen time series output format, i.e. XMDF by default (or SMS or netCDF). In addition, the maximum relative mass error for each domain grid cell is output to either a GeoTIFF or ASCII raster grid. 

    These new outputs will enable any stability issues within your model setup to be isolated and addresses quicker and easier than before. They will also provide an additional dataset for validation of your model quality. This output is selected from the list of available output variables, when specifying your 2D simulation outputs in the 2D model setup interface. It is selected by default for time series and max grid outputs when creating a new simulation.

    Related articles

    How to select 2D simulation outputs

    Direct access to simulation diagnostics

    The 1D and 2D solvers in Flood Modeller automatically generate a wide range of diagnostics files. These can be utilised to assess the quality of a model, aid validation of results and provide insights into the location and cause of stability issues should they occur. To make it easier than ever to access diagnostic data from your simulations, functionality has been added to link directly to diagnostic files and load them into the Flood Modeller map view or send them to your chosen text editor. The right-click menu under simulations loaded into the Project Panel provides access to these functions. 

    In summary the diagnostic data now accessible from 2D simulations (including those already present in previous versions) is as follows:

    • Load cell status check grid – informs on the role of each cell in the 2D domain, e.g. active, inactive, inflow boundary, link, etc. (this also has a bespoke colour ramp defined for it)
    • View 2D log file – added to the default text editor on your system
    • Load all check grids – presents options to load any of the check grids produced by a 2D simulation, e.g. all grid elevations (zcen), modified grid cell elevations (zmod), etc.
    • Load spatial diagnostic data (sdd file) – adds sdd text file to map view as a point shapefile (each point highlights the location of a grid cell error or warning)
    • Load Z mod check files – loads shapefile diagnostics that show how the solver has interpreted the input Z mod data
    • View simulation summary spreadsheet – the live displays during a simulation are saved to a spreadsheet (if the option is ticked beforehand in General settings)
    • View 2D mass balance file(s) – overall mass balance data from a simulation are saved to a csv format which will be loaded into MS Excel
    • View 1D linked flow summary file(s) – overall link flow data (for 1D-2D linked simulations) are saved to a csv format which will be loaded into MS Excel

    This right-click menu also includes options to add 2D results or 2D input GIS datasets to the Flood Modeller map view. 

    For 1D river simulations, the option is now provided to access and view the 1D diagnostic log file, which will open in the text editor default to your machine.

    Related articles

    How to load 1D diagnostic files

    How to load 2D diagnostic files

    Infiltration rate and loss available as 2D outputs

    In pluvial flooding, the infiltration of the rainfall is of great interest and may want further investigation. For models setup to include dynamic infiltration (varying spatially and with time), you can now select to include infiltration rate and the infiltration loss as additional output datasets (scalar grid format). These are calculated if the relevant options are selected from the 2D simulation outputs list in your 2D model setup interface. 

    Related articles

    How to select 2D simulation outputs

    Enhanced logical rules

    Logical rules have been greatly enhanced adding increased functionality to enable closer representation of complex control structures and improved workflows to ensure ease of use. 

    Global rules variables can now be defined for a 1D river network. These can be utilised in the rules defined for multiple structures. Thus, they can provide a link between the logic controlling each structure and hence the behaviour of each structure. For example, create a timer to start when a certain condition is met, and then multiple gates, pumps, and/or abstraction units can be controlled by this global timer. The different types of global rules variables available are as follows:

    • Time triggers
    • Boolean / Ternary – variable set to +1, 0 or -1, e.g. to represent an on/off control
    • Numeric – variables can be real or integer values

    In addition, a new interface has been provided for the definition of global rules variables for the active river network in the map view. These data are saved in the river network file (.dat file).

    There are further additions to the options provided when defining individual logical rules for a structure. These are as follows:

    • A global “Else” to provide catch-all option within a set of rules (previously only “if…then” was available)
    • Multiple actions under same rule – “Also” (previously multiple separate rules would need to be defined to define each action)

    Finally, ensuring your rules are being applied as expected is crucial. This can be checked quickly and easily by using new functionality added for visualising rules taking effect within time series plots.

    Related articles

    How to use logical rules

    How to apply logical rules to a sluice or gated weir

    How to apply logical rules to a pump

    How to apply logical rules to an abstraction unit

    How to add global variables

    How to visualise rules affecting structures

    GPU solver improvements

    Increase your productivity by running simulations faster than ever before using the 2D GPU Solver. The enhanced GPU solver in v6.2 is configured for running larger models. Input data limits have been removed and so the only restriction now is the memory limits of your system for reading large input datasets or writing large output files. 

    Related articles

    How to use the 2D GPU Solver

    Requirements for the 2D GPU Solver

    How to select a solver

    Enhancements to Muskingum routing

    Until now, the variable parameter Muskingum-Cunge method, when derived from VPMC Cross Sections, has produced curves that can be very jagged. For v6.2, improvements have been implemented to smooth these curves, resulting in more stable solutions that are easier to both use and calibrate.

    The key features of the improvements are the removal of any rogue data points, fitting a smooth curve between the remaining points, and enabling these points to be scaled by calibration factors.

    Related articles

    Muskingum Routing

    Muskingum Method

    VPMC Cross Sections

    Additional bug fixes

    • Enabled trial licences in the licence module
    • Enhancements to 2D-urban linked modelling processes to improve stability and mass balance accuracy
    • Synchronise TVD CPU to align with 2D GPU implementation
    • Option added to enable clicking on a cross section plot to add 1D river panel marker (requires panel markers t be turned on in cross section chart legend)
    • Fixed issues with writing and loading netCDF format for 2D results, e.g. better handling of rotated grids - now added as additional 2D model output option
    • All Flood Modeller source code and installed files are now certified (for a smoother installation process, i.e. files should not be wrongly identified as potentially malicious)
    • 1D river linking has been reviewed and revised to ensure it works with the latest version of TUFLOW (as of v6.2 release date)
    • 1D river and 2D solver benchmarking has been successfully repeated for v6.2
    • Default output settings in 2D model interface changed to XMDF and GeoTIFF for new 2D simulations
    • Unit count functionality reinstated, accessed via the right click menu of the 1D River network table - select Model build > Unit count and data is automatically written to a csv file (in the same folder as the network)
    • Consolidated shapefile generation tools to ensure all are setting correct/current attributes required by solvers
    • 1D river bank markers tool now also applies to MUSK-XSEC units as well as RIVER SECTION units
    • Enhanced error reporting for ABS and PUMP units using Logical Rules (if rule definitions contain errors) - should enable better understanding and faster fixing of model issues
    • "Reset chart layouts" button added to layout options menu on Home tab - to bring chart location back to main screen of UI
    • 1D River diagnostics file (zzd) enhanced to report Urban file names for linked simulations
    • Levee calculations improved for cases where floodplain ground level is lower than adjacent channel bed level
    • Fixed issue with “I/O Error 66” on attempting to write to/open long 1D river filenames
    • Error fixed that caused TVD-GPU simulations with embedded structures to fail
    • Error fixed that caused Rainfall / Urban link models using 2D TVD (CPU or GPU) to fail
    • Informative error message now written to the log when infiltration loss output is selected but infiltration parameters have not been defined
    • Passing -pm as 2DOptions from ief causes "licence not taken" error – now fixed
    • Issue fixed that caused linked TUFLOW failures with "sqlite function not found" error (TUFLOW 2023-03-AA)
    • Flip Cross Section tool does not flip L & R Levee Markers – now fixed
    • Potential memory leak during 2D results writing addressed
    •  LEFT overtopping bank marker set on the same point as RIGHT marker causes failure – now fixed
    • Issue addressed with locations reported in the spatial diagnostics file (2D) being outside the domain
    • Issue fixed when importing cross sections from some HEC-RAS models
    • Issues when adding 1D river GERRBDY transformation models and baseflows in 1D unit properties window now all fixed
    • Changes made to calculation of spatially varying Green-Ampt infiltration in 2D models to improve accuracy

    Version 6.1

    Released November 2022

    GPU solver finalised 

    The 2D GPU solver, previously released as a beta version, has now been finalised. This is now more robust, and compatible with a wider range of modelling scenarios than the previous beta version. The benchmarking of the solver has highlighted the significant performance gains that can be realised compared to equivalent simulations run on the CPU.

    Improved 2D Diagnostics

    Various improvements have been made to 2D diagnostic messaging, to help with identifying issues and troubleshooting these if necessary. A Spatial diagnostics file is of particular value for 2D simulations as it can be used to locate potentially problematic areas within your domain. A limit (which is easily adjusted by the user) has now been imposed on the number of lines written to the spatial diagnostic file, to stop these becoming unmanageably large.

    Enhanced 2D Flood Map tool

    This post-processing tool is used to extract selected timesteps from a 2D results file and export these either as flood outlines or flood depth grids. The 2D flood map tool has been enhanced to now work with .xmdf and .netcdf format results and export to GeoTIFF format, in addition to previous options. The tool has also been redesigned and now can process multiple results at once. 

    Improved calibration file editor

    Calibration datasets are hugely important to reduce the uncertainty in model results. By comparing these known data values for specific events to results produced within Flood Modeller, a user can refine parameters to improve the accuracy of a model. The improved Calibration file editor tool enables you to quickly and easily create these dataset, following which users can Add calibration data to results for comparison.

    Optimal Storm Duration tool addition

    The Optimal Storm Duration tool can be used to find the storm duration required to achieve a maximum water level or discharge at a location of interest. Flood Modeller uses rainfall-runoff methodologies to quickly and easily find the OSD for a model containing one or more catchment inflow hydrograph units. This tool now has the additional option of running with double precision. 

    WFS layers now available

    Web Map Services (WMS) return the image of a map. Web Feature Services (WFS) can have attributes alongside geometry. Flood Modeller now provides selected WFS layers to assist with visualisation of models, in addition to the WMS layers previously available. Alongside the option to Add a WMS/WFS layer to a Project, for layers you use frequently, you can also Add a WMS/WFS layer to your favourites for even easier access.

    Enhanced 2D results options

    The interface for loading all 2D results has been redesigned with enhanced functionality, providing quick access to all 2D model results, including any linked river/urban elements. The newly available options include a more intuitive way to Load 2D results (also helpful if you choose to Animate 2D results), and quick and easy methods to Load 2D diagnostics (including log files and check grids) and to Load the 2D flood extent.

    Updated snowmelt rates

    An updated snowmelt rate calculation has been implemented in the 1D river FEH hydrological boundary unit. This revision aligns with the latest accepted UK methodology (as stipulated by the Environment Agency). Within the FEH unit, you can now Provide two snowmelt rates; the rate during the antecedent period, together with the (usually increased) rate during the storm event itself. Further, these rates can be calculated automatically within Flood Modeller using the catchment descriptors and other parameters defined within the unit.

    New outflow boundary

    As an alternative to the Normal Depth boundary, Flood Modeller now offers the Outflow boundary for use with your 2D GPU and TVD simulations. This can provide a more stable solution with improved mass balance compared to the Normal Depth boundary, particularly when creating boundary lines that extend over multiple grid cells.

    Full details on all new functionality and solver enhancements can be found in the v6.1 release notes available here:

    Version 6.0

    Released February 2022

    Viewing and editing networks

    The new urban Multi-Edit & View tool is designed to quickly and easily analyse the multiple components of your urban network. You can Visualise urban networks using the edit and view tool, and functionality is also provided to Edit urban networks using the edit and view tool. An alternative method for adjusting parameters within urban networks is via the urban group edit tool.

    Alongside the option to edit river networks within the properties of the individual nodes, Flood Modeller provides a range of tools to edit the properties for multiple nodes at once. Enhanced documentation is now provided explaining how it is possible to Globally edit river-bed elevation provided you have Defined special markers for each of the River Section nodes to be adjusted.

    Basemaps and WMS layers

    Web map services (WMS) layers are georeferenced map images to assist with visualisation of models. Flood Modeller v6.0 provides a new tool to Add a WMS layer to a project. For WMS layers you use frequently, you can also Add a WMS layer to your favourites for even easier access. Several additional Basemapping options are also available.

    Enhanced simulation outputs

    At simulation runtime, a variety of information is displayed, including several parameters and multiple graphs. It is now possible to Save and review simulation runtime summary data so it can be referred to after a simulation has completed. Many parameters can be output from simulations, including depths and velocities. Flood Modeller v6.0 provides functionality to calculate four additional outputs related to Calculating shear stress within 2D simulations.

    New licensing structure

    To provide new and existing users with more functionality, greater flexibility and further cost savings, we have launched a new licensing structure as part of Flood Modeller 6.0. With four editions of the software now available on a monthly, annual or lifetime basis, each one provides you with everything you need to undertake fully integrated catchment modelling.

    The GPU solver

    In the latest  beta release stage, you can harness the power of modern GPU  hardware by Using the 2D GPU Solver for more model setups than ever before.  With the appropriate GPU Solver Requirements, increase productivity with significant speed increases of up to 94% compared to CPU simulation runs. 

    Full details on all new functionality and solver enhancements can be found in the v6.0 release notes available here:

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