Hydrograph Library
    • 21 Jun 2024
    • 5 Minutes to read

    Hydrograph Library

    Article summary

    The Scaling tool is accessed when adding a hydrograph to the hydrograph library within a Calculation point

    FEH Reconciliation

    The FEH Reconciliation tab enables users to apply scaling factors to hydrographs, whether calculated by the tool (e.g. scaling ReFH peak flows to WINFAP derived peak flows) or provided by the user. It also presents both the Flood Frequency Curve (FFC) and the reconciled hydrographs for comparison.

    The left-hand-side of the FEH reconciliation tab provides the following fields:

    Field in interfaceDescription
    Hydrograph nameAllows you to specify a custom name for the reconciled hydrograph.
    DescriptionAllows you to specify additional information or notes related to the hydrograph.
    ReFH2 versionDropdown to select ReFH2 version from all analyses performed within the calculation point. A reason for using the selected ReFH2 version can be provided in the field to the right.
    REFH2 CD versionThe version of catchment descriptors used within the ReFH2 analysis selected in the field above (ReFH2 version). This is provided for information only.
    ReFH2 seasonalityThe seasonality used within the ReFH2 analysis selected in the field above (ReFH2 version). This is provided for information only.
    WINFAP versionDropdown to select WINFAP version from all analyses performed within the calculation point. A reason for using the selected WINFAP version can be provided in the field to the right.
    WINFAP distributionDropdown to select WINFAP statistical distribution from all available options. A reason for using the selected WINFAP distribution can be provided in the field to the right.
    WINFAP CD versionThe version of catchment descriptors used within the WINFAP analysis selected in the field above (WINFAP version). This is provided for information only.
    FEH CD UrbextThe Urbext value provided within the catchment descriptors specified in the field above (WINFAP CD version). This is provided for information only.
    Urban / Rural Radio buttons to select between urban and rural. A reason for using the selected option can be provided in the field to the right.
    Hydrograph scaling tableA table of the hydrograph data. In the 6th column, the user can specify scaling factors to override those provided. In the 7th column, the user can provide comments.

    The right-hand side of the window is split into two tabs: FEH Reconciliation and Reconciled Hydrographs

    The FEH Reconciliation tab displays the FFC plots alongside ReFH2 and the reconciled plots. This process involves combining the results of your ReFH2 and WINFAP analyses with scaling factors to create inflow hydrographs for 1D or 2D model boundaries. The resulting inflow hydrographs are then added to the Hydrograph library for further use.

    A toolbar along the top of the graph provides the following options:

    Field in interfaceDescription
    Chart optionsA drop-down menu providing additional functionality related to customizing and interacting with the chart as follows:
    • Show Legend
    • Copy Plot
    • Copy Data to Clipboard
    • Export to Excel
    • Save to PDF
    • Save to PNG
    Line Width

    The line width option controls the thickness of the hydrograph line on the graph. Adjusting this value can make the hydrograph more prominent or subtle, depending on your needs.

    The Reconciled Hydrographs tab displays the flow timeseries resulted from applying the scaling factor (calculated or user derived) on the ReFH2 timeseries. 

    A toolbar along the top of the graph provides the following options:

    Field in interfaceDescription
    Chart optionsA drop-down menu providing additional functionality related to customizing and interacting with the chart as follows:
    • Show Legend
    • Copy Plot
    • Copy Data to Clipboard
    • Export to Excel
    • Save to PDF
    • Save to PNG
    Line WidthThe line width option controls the thickness of the hydrograph line on the graph. Adjusting this value can make the hydrograph more prominent or subtle, depending on your needs.
    Return periods dropdownIt allows you to select a specific return period for which you want to view or analyse the hydrograph, or all.
    Show original hydrograph checkbox

    When you check this option, it displays the ReFH2 hydrograph, without any scaling factors.

    The bottom right corner of the window provides two buttons:

    Field in interfaceDescription

    Clicking the ‘Cancel’ button allows you to discard any changes or modifications you’ve made within the Scaling Tool. 


    The ‘Next’ button typically advances you to the next step or section within the tool, which is Climate change and custom scale factors. 

    Climate change and custom scale factors

    This tab of the Scaling Tool provides functionality related to incorporating climate change impacts into flow estimation and adjusting hydrograph scaling factors.

    The following options are available on this tab:

    Field in interfaceDescription
    Apply climate change uplifts to baselineAllows you to incorporate the effects of climate change into your hydrograph scaling process. The uplifts represent the predicted changes (as a percentage increase) to the baseline hydrograph due to climate change. 
    CC uplift areaBy clicking on the ellipsis (triple dots) at the corner of the CC uplift area box, a small window called Select uplift area will open which provides options for specifying the geographic area and catchment for which the climate change uplifts have been calculated.  By default only locations within which the catchment falls can be selected, but this can be overridden. 
    Apply custom factors to baselineAllows you to adjust the baseline hydrograph using custom scale factors.

    The selected data is displayed in a graph to the right. A toolbar at the top of this graph provides the following options:

    Field in interfaceDescription
    Chart optionsA drop-down menu providing additional functionality related to customizing and interacting with the chart as follows:
    • Show Legend
    • Copy Plot
    • Copy Data to Clipboard
    • Export to Excel
    • Save to PDF
    • Save to PNG
    Line WidthThe line width option controls the thickness of the hydrograph line on the graph. Adjusting this value can make the hydrograph more prominent or subtle, depending on your needs.
    Return periods dropdownIt allows you to select a specific return period for which you want to view or analyse the hydrograph, or all.
    Show baseline hydrographsChecking this option reveals the baseline hydrographs., without climate change uplifts applied.

    The bottom right corner of the window provides three buttons:

    Field in interfaceDescription

    Clicking the ‘Cancel’ button allows you to discard any changes or modifications you’ve made within the Scaling Tool. 


    This button typically takes you to the previous step or section within the tool, which is FEH Reconciliation.

    Save Hydrograph

    Clicking the ‘Save Hydrograph’ button saves the adjusted hydrograph based on the applied climate change uplifts and custom scale factors.

    Climate Change Guidance

    Hydrograph adjustments for climate change provided in the scaling tool are based on relevant guidance for each of the UK nations as detailed below.  Guidance is subject to review and update, users should ensure appropriate uplifts are applied for their analysis.

    NationOrganisationClimate Change Guidance
    EnglandEnvironment Agency (EA)
    ScotlandScottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)
    WalesNatural Resources Wales (NRW)
    Northern IrelandDepartment for Infrastructure (DfI)

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