Project panel
    • 08 Aug 2022
    • 14 Minutes to read

    Project panel

    Article summary

    The Project panel contains all the files associated to your current project.

    The name of the current project is displayed at the top of the Project panel. The panel itself organised into a number of sections. Each section header has it's own right-click menu, and items within these sections also have right-click menus to access functionality.


    1D River Networks section

    This section contains collections of connected 1D river nodes (a river network) saved with file extension .dat

    The right-click menu of the section header (1D River Networks) contains the following functionality:

    • Add Item - this option opens a standard Windows File Explorer window to allow you to navigate to the location of a river network file (extension .dat). The river network will load in various places in the interface, including the Map view.

    • New Folder - this option opens a pop-up window for you to enter a folder name. The folder will be added to this section of the Project panel for further organisation of your files.

    • Remove all - this option removes all loaded items from this section of the Project panel.

    When items are loaded into the 1D River Networks section of the Project panel, the right-click menu accessed depends on if the network is active. The available functionality is as follows:

    • View - this menu item includes the following sub-items:

      • Set Active – if several 1D Network files have been loaded into the Project Panel then this button allows you to set the network (onto which you right-clicked to see the right-click menu) as active. If the network is active then you have access to the functionality of the rest of the View menu items and Export menu items for this network.

      • Show Nodes - The Show Nodes item, when clicked, enables you to see the location of nodes in the Map View.

      • Channel Bitmaps – The Channel Bitmaps item replaces the black dots on the Map View with a channel icon.

      • Non-channel Bitmaps – The Non-Channel Bitmap item replaces the marked location on the Map View with an icon indication which type of a node it is.

      • Show Labels – The Show Labels item displays the label of the node in the Map View.

      • Show Links – The Show Links item displays the connection between the nodes in the Map View.

      • Allow Overlaps – The Allow Overlaps option will display all nodes of a network in the map view, including those which overlap each other.

    • Export - this menu item includes the following sub-items:

      • Nodes As Shapefile - The Export Nodes As Shapefile item allows you to save the nodes only as a new shapefile. A new window will open where you will be able to type the file name and select file destination location.

      • Links As Shapefile - The Export Links As Shapefile item allows you to save the links between nodes only as a new shapefile. A new window will open where you will be able to type the file name and select the destination location of the file.

    • Zoom to Network – This displays the selected network in the Map View to its maximum extend, showing all nodes and links.

    • Remove – Unloads the file from the project, as a result this file will no longer be displayed in the View Map and its data will not be available for use. 

    • Properties - The Properties item opens a window with file properties containing file name, description and file path.

    Event Data section

    This section contains subsets of your 1D river networks that define variations to the default boundary data (as defined within the network), e.g. different historical flood events (flow time series), rainfall events (1 in 100yr storm) or tidal cycles (water level time series). These files have extension .ied and have a similar format to 1D network (dat) files.

    The right-click menu of the section header (Event Data) contains the following functionality:

    • Add Item - this option opens a standard Windows File Explorer window to allow you to navigate to the location of an event data file (extension .ied). 

    • New Folder - this option opens a pop-up window for you to enter a folder name. The folder will be added to this section of the Project panel for further organisation of your files.

    • Remove all - this option removes all loaded items from this section of the Project panel.

    When items are loaded into the Event Data section of the Project panel, the right-click menu contains the following functionality:

    • Remove – Unloads the file from the project, as a result this file will no longer be displayed in the View Map and its data will not be available for use. 

    • Properties - The Properties item opens a window with file properties containing file name, description and file path.

    Initial Conditions section

    This section contains initial conditions files. The default initial conditions settings for your 1D network (contained in the .dat file) can be overridden by a separate initial conditions file. This is a text file that lists all network nodes and provides key parameter settings for each node. The extension can be .zzs or .iic.

    The right-click menu of the section header (Initial Conditions) contains the following functionality:

    • Add Item - this option opens a standard Windows File Explorer window to allow you to navigate to the location of an initial conditions file (extension .zzs or .iic). 

    • New Folder - this option opens a pop-up window for you to enter a folder name. The folder will be added to this section of the Project panel for further organisation of your files.

    • Remove all - this option removes all loaded items from this section of the Project panel.

    When items are loaded into the Initial Conditions section of the Project panel, the right-click menu contains the following functionality:

    • Remove – Unloads the file from the project, as a result this file will no longer be displayed in the View Map and its data will not be available for use. 

    • Properties - The Properties item opens a window with file properties containing file name, description and file path.

    Spatial Data section

    Both 1D and 2D simulations can utilise spatial data. 2D models are mainly defined by these data types, whereas 1D models utilise spatial data for flood mapping (in results post-processing). References to spatial data are defined in the associated model simulation files. You can use this section of the project to store references to the spatial datasets you are using.

    The right-click menu of the section header (Spatial Data) contains the following functionality:

    • Add Item - this option opens a standard Windows File Explorer window to allow you to navigate to the location of your spatial data files. 

    • New Folder - this option opens a pop-up window for you to enter a folder name. The folder will be added to this section of the Project panel for further organisation of your files.

    • Remove all - this option removes all loaded items from this section of the Project panel.

    When items are loaded into the Spatial Data section of the Project panel, the right-click menu contains the following functionality:

    • Add to Map – This item displays the content of the selected file in the Map view.

    • Remove – Unloads the file from the project, as a result this file will no longer be displayed in the Map view and its data will not be available for use. 

    • Properties - The Properties item opens a window with file properties containing file name, description and file path.

    1D Urban Networks Section

    The right-click menu of the section header (1D Urban Networks) contains the following functionality:

    • Add Item

      This option opens a standard Windows File Explorer window to allow you to navigate to the location of an urban network file (extension .inp). The urban network will load in various places in the interface, including the Map view.

    • New Folder

      This option opens a pop-up window for you to enter a folder name. The folder will be added to this section of the Project panel for further organisation of your files.

    • Remove all

      This option removes all loaded items from this section of the Project panel.

    When urban networks are loaded into the 1D Urban Networks section of the Project panel, the right-click menu accessed depends on if the network is active.

    The available functionality is as follows:

    • Model Settings (active networks only) - this option opens the Urban Model Settings window for the urban network.

    • Climatology (active networks only) - this option opens the Climatology window for the urban network.

    • Model Defaults (active networks only) - this option opens the Urban Model Defaults window for the urban network.

    • View (active networks only) - this menu item includes the following sub-items:

      • Set Active – if several 1D Network files have been loaded into the Project Panel then this button allows you to set the network (onto which you right-clicked to see the right-click menu) as active. If the network is active then you have access to the functionality of the rest of the View menu items and Export menu items for this network.

      • Show Nodes - The Show Nodes item, when clicked, enables you to see the location of nodes in the Map View.

      • Channel Bitmaps – The Channel Bitmaps item replaces the black dots on the Map View with a channel icon.

      • Non-channel Bitmaps – The Non-Channel Bitmap item replaces the marked location on the Map View with an icon indication which type of a node it is.

      • Show Labels – The Show Labels item displays the label of the node in the Map View.

      • Show Links – The Show Links item displays the connection between the nodes in the Map View.

      • Allow Overlaps – The Allow Overlaps option will display all nodes of a network in the map view, including those which overlap each other.

    • Zoom to Network (active networks only) - this displays the selected network in the Map View to its maximum extend, showing all nodes and links.

    • Set Active (only available if selected network is not already active) - this options makes the selected network active, and displays the selected network in the Map View to its maximum extend, showing all nodes and links.

    • Remove – Unloads the file from the project, as a result this file will no longer be displayed in the View Map and its data will not be available for use. 

    • Copy – Opens a standard Windows File Explorer window for you to enter a name for the urban network, following which the copy created is loaded into the 1D Urban Networks section of the Project panel. This functionality is similar to Save As, however both copies remain loaded available for use. 

    • Show File Location – Opens the urban network (extension .inp) file location in a standard Windows File Explorer window. 

    • Properties - The Properties item opens a window with file properties containing file name, description and file path.

    Associated Data section

    This section of the project can store any files. This enables you to add references to files that are not part of your models but may be directly relevant to your project, e.g. photos, reports, presentations, etc.

    The right-click menu of the section header (Associated Data) contains the following functionality:

    • Add Item - this option opens a standard Windows File Explorer window to allow you to navigate to the location of your files. 

    • New Folder - this option opens a pop-up window for you to enter a folder name. The folder will be added to this section of the Project panel for further organisation of your files.

    • Remove all - this option removes all loaded items from this section of the Project panel.

    When items are loaded into the Associated Data section of the Project panel, the right-click menu contains the following functionality:

    • Open – This item opens the selected associated data file. This can also be achieved by double-clicking on the item.

    • Remove – Unloads the file from the project, as a result this file will no longer be displayed in the Map view and its data will not be available for use. 

    • Properties - The Properties item opens a window with file properties containing file name, description and file path.

    Simulations section

    The Simulations section of the Project panel is dedicated to your simulations.

    In 1D urban modelling, a (single) simulation is associated to each urban network.

    In 1D river modelling, a river network (and other input data) can be referenced in multiple simulation files. 1D river simulation files have extension .ief. 

    In 2D modelling, a simulation file will reference all input data and details your associated simulation settings. 2D simulations are .xml format.

    In integrated modelling, a linked simulation file will use a combination of the above files.

    The right-click menu of the section header (Simulations) contains the following functionality:

    • Add Item - this option opens a standard Windows File Explorer window to allow you to navigate to the location of a river network file (extension .dat). The river network will load in various places in the interface, including the Map view.

    • New Folder - this option opens a pop-up window for you to enter a folder name. The folder will be added to this section of the Project panel for further organisation of your files.

    • New 1D Simulation – allows you to create a new 1D simulation file (ief file). A window will open allowing you to type file name and choose the file location. Once saved a new window will appear with options to set up the simulations parameters.

    • New 1D Quality Simulation - allows you to create a new water quality simulation file (qef file). A window will open allowing you to type file name and choose the file location. Once saved a new window will appear with options to set up the simulation parameters.

    • New 2D Simulation - allows you to create a new 2D simulation file (xml file). A window will open allowing you to type file name and choose the file location. Once saved a new window will appear with options to set up the simulation parameters.

    • Simulation Builder (1D)

    • Simulation Builder (2D)

    • New Batch

    • Remove all - this option removes all loaded items from this section of the Project panel.

    When an item is loaded into the Simulations section of the Project panel, the right-click menu options depend on the simulation type loaded.

    For 1D urban simulations, the following functionality is available:

    • Set Active - this option sets the selected simulation file active.

    • Run - this option runs the selected simulation file. 

    • Remove - this option removes the selected simulation file from this section of the Project panel.

    • Show File Location – Opens the urban network (extension .inp) file location in a standard Windows File Explorer window. 

    • Properties - The Properties item opens a window with file properties containing file name, description and file path.

    For other simulation types, the following functionality is available from the right-click menu:

    • Set Active - Sets the selected simulation (ief) file to active. This means the results associated to this simulation will be accessible from the 1D results plotting tools provided in the map and Project panel right-click menus.

      A 1D network will likely be used for multiple simulations, with each one using different boundary data (event files), e.g. to investigate the effects of different storm intensities. When a network is active in the map view you can access simulation results associated to each node via the map and Network panel right-click menus. By default these tools will access results associated to the simulation marked as active (this will be displayed in bold text in the Project panel).

      You can set a different simulation to be active by right-clicking on the file in the Project panel and selecting the Set Active option. If the selected result is associated to the currently active network then you will then be able to select nodes in the map or Network panel and plot the data associated to this simulation for these nodes. If the selected simulation relates to a different network then this network will become active and be loaded into the map and Network panel. If the associated network is not part of your project then it will be first added to the project panel and then be made active.

    • Open – The Open item opens a new window with simulation options for the selected file. For 1D simulations you can set File, Time, Snapshot, CES, Low Flow, Additional Output and Backward Parameters, save changes and/or run the simulation (interface for 1D quality simulations is also similar to this) .For 2D simulations you are prompted to set General 2D settings and specify 2D Domains. Once defined you can save the model and/or run the simulation or close the window.

    • Copy – Creates a copy of the selected simulation file and adds it to your project. The function will prompt you to provide a new name and save location for the copied file. This function enables you to quickly create multiple instances of a simulation file, which might contain many complex settings (that would be time consuming to completely recreate for each instance). You can then quickly edit each copied file to meet requirements, e.g. edit the boundary event data specified to represent different storm events.

    • View Result – Prompts you to select which output datasets from a 2D simulation you wish to visualise in your map view. This is the same process as loading 2D model results into the map using the Add GIS Data button, but without the need to browse to your files first.

    • Load GIS Data – Reads the GIS format datasets referenced in your 2D simulation file and adds these layers to your map view.

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