The 1D river simulation preview toolbar ribbon
    • 04 Aug 2022
    • 3 Minutes to read

    The 1D river simulation preview toolbar ribbon

    Article summary

    There are several functions available to further customise your simulations generated in the preview window of the Simulation Builder. These are accessed via buttons on a ribbon bar (shown below), located above the table.



    The Add button allows you to add additional rows (IEF files) to the Preview table. When pressed you are returned to the previous wizard dialog which will allow for additional selections or amendments to be made. Once finished press the Add to Preview button to append to the existing Preview table.


    The Save button allows the table data to be saved as a Simulation Builder Library file. You will be prompted to choose a filename and all of the table data will be saved in XML file format.

    Export as CSV

    The Export as CSV button allows the table data to be saved in .csv format. You will be prompted to choose a filename. Note that on clicking Build, the tool will automatically create a CSV file containing the table data.

    Remove All

    The Remove All button allows you to remove all rows from the Preview table. You will be prompted with a confirmation message prior to deletion.

    Remove Selected

    The Remove Selected button allows you to choose specific rows to remove by highlighting the rows before pressing the button. You will be prompted with a confirmation message prior to deletion. To highlight multiple rows, hold Shift or Ctrl keys whilst clicking with the mouse, i.e. click on row 1 and hold Ctrl whilst clicking on row 7 to highlight rows 1 and 7, click on row 1 and hold Shift whilst clicking on row 7 to highlight rows 1 to 7 inclusive.

    Highlight Duplicates

    The Highlight Duplicates button is a quick way to find any duplicate simulations that will be created during the build process (i.e. with the same combination of networks and event files). When pressed, a background check of the table data will search for duplicate entries by examining each row (and cell) and highlight any duplicate entries (ready for deletion using the Remove Selected function).
    Note that the Highlight Duplicates button will only highlight identical duplicates where the network, event 1, event 2, etc. are all identical. The tool cannot distinguish between data for different events, for example the two simulations below would NOT be considered identical by the tool:



    Event 1

    Event 2









    Use Relative Paths

    The Use Relative Paths button will write relative paths for all file entries when generating the specified IEF files.

    Set Initial Conditions

    If the template IEF contains an Initial Conditions file then the Set Initial Conditions button will be displayed in ribbon. The listed file can be changed by highlighting a row or rows (hold Ctrl to highlight multiple rows) and pressing the Set Initial Conditions button from the ribbon. This enables you to choose a different initial conditions file and will update all of the selected rows in the table with this file. Note this button will not be visible if the template IEF is using initial conditions from the network (DAT) file. Please be vigilant regarding filenames if considering multiple initial conditions as any simulations that are identical aside from initial conditions will be given the same name unless edited (the initial conditions do not create part of the filename).

    Use Sequential Name

    Use the Use Sequential Name button (alternatively Use Event Name button) to toggle between the event-based naming convention described above and the so-called “sequential” naming convention for the simulations. The sequential simulation name is generated from a combination of the Network name and an incremental number, separated by a hyphen, i.e. my_network-001, my_network-002. If you have added simulations via the Add button, these will have .dat-2 added after the network in the sequential name, i.e. my_network.dat-2-003, my_network.dat-2-004.


    The Build button executes the process of creating your specified IEF files. Each row in the table will be built into a separate IEF file. If chosen via checkbox, the IEF files will be automatically loaded into the Simulations section of the Flood Modeller Project panel inside a sub-folder (named as the template IEF as default, although this can be edited).


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