How to use the 1D river simulation builder
    • 20 Sep 2022
    • 7 Minutes to read

    How to use the 1D river simulation builder

    Article summary

    The Simulation Builder requires you to initially specify at least one simulation file (IEF file) that details the number of event files to use in each simulation, e.g. one rainfall event and one development scenario (that modifies an existing structure). Furthermore, it should include a reference to a TUFLOW model file (tcf file) if all of the simulations you are building need to be linked to TUFLOW 2D models.

    This “master” ief file should also include the required run type, e.g. unsteady, and any advanced parameters to be included in all simulations. This file is referred to as the “template” IEF file in the Simulation Builder.

    This ief file can be added to your project if it already exists or defined using the standard 1D simulation tool (i.e. right-click on Simulations in the Project panel and select New 1D Simulation).

    To use the tool:

    1. Right-click on your template 1D simulation within the Simulations section of the Project panel and choose ‘Simulation Builder’ from the context menu.
    2. The Simulation builder wizard is displayed with some prepopulated information read from your template IEF.
      The ‘Setup’ page allows you to use either an existing IEF (as a template) or specify a Simulation Builder Library file.If using a template IEF, a common ‘Results Directory’ path can be set for use in all generated IEF files. As default, the ‘Results Directory’ path will be to a new folder named ‘Output’ located in the same folder as the simulation IEF file. This can be amended at this point, or later in the ‘Preview’ dialog. To continue, Press ‘Next’.
      The ‘Next’ button moves you through to the next tab; alternatively, click directly on the tab you want to jump to.
    3. The ‘Network’ page allows you to configure which Network the simulations will use. Networks that are loaded within the Flood Modeller Project panel are automatically populated for selection. Each is given an alias: this is the file name without the extension by default. This alias will be used in creating the name of simulations (IEF files). Click on the alias for a network to edit this. You can choose to add additional Networks not currently loaded into the Project panel to the list by selecting the ‘+’ button to browse. Note that at least one network must be specified via check box. The network file specified in the template IEF is selected by default (although you can then deselect the box).
      Tick the boxes of one or multiple networks individually, or select the check box at the top of the table to select all networks. To continue, Press ‘Next’.
    4. The next page (or pages) display the Event data (ied files) associated with the template IEF and allows you to select events to build your matrix of simulations as required. A separate tab in the interface is generated for each event file defined in the specified template IEF, thus allowing you to define combinations of alternatives to utilise for each event separately. Note that at least one event file must be specified via check box to proceed. The event file specified in the template IEF is selected by default (although you can then deselect it).
      Events that are loaded within the Flood Modeller Project panel are automatically populated for selection. Each is given an alias (the file name without the extension as default, although this can be edited) Note that every event file will be available under each event tab; the interface does not distinguish between, for example, rainfall events and development scenarios, and it is the responsibility of the user to ensure the relevant events are selected for each tab.
      The ‘+’ button allows you to browse to other event files not currently loaded within the Flood Modeller Project panel and the check box at the top of the table automatically selects all events listed. The ‘Back’ button can be used to return to the network selection tab.
      To proceed, Press ‘Next’ to move to the next event tab (if more than one event is listed) or to move to the ‘TUFLOW’ tab (if TUFLOW data is associated to the template IEF), or press ‘Add to Preview’ to view a summary of your simulation selections.
    5. If TUFLOW data is associated to the template IEF, the ‘TUFLOW’ tab will be displayed next. Associated data loaded into the Flood Modeller Project panel is automatically populated for selection and each is given a default alias. The data specified in the template IEF is selected by default (although you can deselect it). Note at least one TUFLOW file must be selected to proceed. The ‘+’ button allows you to browse to other TCF files not currently loaded within the Flood Modeller Project panel. As in the event tabs, the check box at the top of the table automatically selects all TUFLOW files listed.
      The ‘Options’ field(s) allows you to enter all or a subset of the run options set in the TUFLOW model files. The run options set in the template IEF file will be given by default, although this can be edited.
      Press ‘Add to Preview’ to summarise your simulation selections.
      If you want to build simulations that reference the same TCF file but with different TUFLOW run options, you must select the file and an initial set of TUFLOW run options, and click ‘Add to Preview’ to continue through to the ‘Preview table’ at the end of the simulation builder wizard. At this point, you will be able to add the other simulations, selecting the same TCF file (this time with your new TUFLOW run options). Do not add the TUFLOW file using the ‘+’ button and give different options as shown below.
      Please also be vigilant regarding filenames if considering the above situation as any simulations that are identical aside from TUFLOW run options will be given the same name unless edited (the TUFLOW run options do not create part of the filename).
    6. The ‘Preview’ page appears in a new window. It provides an overall summary of the simulations that will be created from your defined settings:
      Each row in the ‘Preview’ table represents a new simulation that will be created upon clicking the ‘Build’ button.
      The simulation name is generated from a combination of the Network alias, the event alias(s), and the TUFLOW link name, separated by hyphens, i.e.
      These entries can be edited by clicking on the appropriate table cell and typing your alternative name. Right click on a row in the table and select ‘edit’ as a fast way to add a suffice and/or prefix to the IEF name.
      TUFLOW options can also be edited in table by clicking on the relevant cell and typing in the revised text. Please be vigilant regarding filenames if considering multiple run options from the same TUFLOW file as any simulations that are identical aside from TUFLOW run options will be given the same name unless edited (the TUFLOW run options do not create part of the filename).
      Initial conditions can be edited in the table or via ribbon toolbar (explained below). Note that initial conditions column will only be present if an appropriate file (IIC or ZZS) has been specified in the baseline simulation: if you have chosen to use initial conditions from the Network (DAT) file, the initial conditions will not be shown on the preview page (and cannot be adjusted for new simulations). Please also be vigilant regarding filenames if considering multiple initial conditions as any simulations that are identical aside from initial conditions will be given the same name unless edited (the initial conditions do not create part of the filename).
      In addition, the following data in the IEF files can be customised by editing entries in the ‘Preview’ table:
      • Start Time
      • Finish Time
      • Timestep
      • Save Interval
      These can also be edited by right clicking on the appropriate row in the table and selecting ‘edit’. A new window will pop up for you to enter the changes required, and the ‘Update’ button will be enabled once an edit has been made. Click on ‘Update’ to apply the edit(s) to the table. To apply the same edits to multiple rows of the table, hold Shift or Ctrl keys whilst clicking with the mouse, i.e. click on row 1 and hold Ctrl whilst clicking on row 7 to highlight rows 1 and 7, click on row 1 and hold Shift whilst clicking on row 7 to highlight rows 1 to 7 inclusive. Right clicking on one of these highlighted rows and selecting ‘edit’ will then cause a new window to pop up, and typing the changes and clicking on ‘Update’ will apply the edits made to all highlighted rows.
      The results folder path can also be edited from the table (directly, but not via right clicking and selecting edit).
      The preview window includes a ribbon toolbar above the table with various functions to aid the customisation of the IEF files you are building. These functions are described in the section below.
    7. When the preview table is specified as required, click the ‘Build’ button in the toolbar. A prompt box will appear with default settings to ‘Add to Project’ and ‘Overwrite existing files’. Either or both of these can be deselected. The new IEF files will be generated in the specified location(s). If you have chosen ‘Add to Project’, they will also be added to your current Flood Modeller project in a sub-folder of the Simulation section of the Project panel. This sub-folder will take the name of the template IEF used as default or you can specify your own name.

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