How to use the 1D Flood Calculator
    • 04 Aug 2022
    • 1 Minute to read

    How to use the 1D Flood Calculator

    Article summary

    The Flood Calculator window can be accessed by Selecting 1D Flood Map icon from the Results tab.

    To use the tool you should already have your desired input data, i.e. ground grid and water level data (on a TIN file), loaded in the viewport of Flood Modeller.

    The interface offers the following types of flood map calculation:

    1. Calculation of a Flood Extent from TIN. This option creates a map of the flood extents based on the results from 1D model;

    2. Calculation of a multi-time step grid output (2dm/dat format as produced by 2D models also). This option produces a file that can be viewed as an animation that shows the build-up and then recession of flood water during a simulation.

    3. Calculation of a Static Flood Extent from Grid. Using this option, it is possible to create a flood extent map without using the TIN. The user has to specify the water level for which the static flood extent is to be calculated;

    4. Calculation of a grid of water levels. This option creates a grid of water levels without using any ground grid (this is a variation of option 1).

    You specify the required calculation using the radio buttons on top of the 1D Flood Calculator window (shown in above figure). Depending on the type of the flood map calculations, certain options on the window will be enabled or disabled.

    See the following guides in this section for more details about each type of flood map calculation and the options available.

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