Defining Manning's n Roughness Values Based on OS Mastermap Data
    • 23 Aug 2022
    • 1 Minute to read

    Defining Manning's n Roughness Values Based on OS Mastermap Data

    Article summary

    2D Solver is able to define roughness coefficients for computational cells based on the OS Mastermap dataset. 2D Solver cross-references the values in the Mastermap's 'DescGroup' field with a user defined lookup table (stored in a .fric file).

    The lookup table must feature all possible values of the 'DescGroup' field required.

    Data from the lookup table is read in using fixed field formatting. The first column is the value of the 'DescGroup' field and is fixed at 40 columns. The next column is the Manning's n value.

    An example is provided below:


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