Add a Flow-Time boundary to a 1D river network
    • 02 Aug 2022
    • 1 Minute to read

    Add a Flow-Time boundary to a 1D river network

    Article summary

    Note: to follow this guide, a river network must be loaded and active. You must therefore initially Start a new river network or Load a river network.

    To add a Flow-Time or a hydrological boundary node to your river network, follow the steps below:

    In the 1D River Network tab, select a row in the network table. Your boundary node will be added below this selected row, so it is likely you will want to select the top row (named General) for the boundary to be the first node in your network.

    Note: Boundary nodes can be located out of position, all together at either end of a network. The labels specifying connecting nodes will determine the true position of the node both when it is drawn with links on your map and when you run a simulation with your network.

    Select which boundary node you wish to add. These can be selected from the Hydrology tab of the main toolbar. You can also select these node types from the 1D River Build tab, where they are listed as types of flow boundary node.


    After selecting a node type, hover your cursor over the map and you will notice it shows the icon of your selected node. Click on the map at the desired node location to add the new node.

    After adding a boundary node you will be prompted to provide a node label:


    The label you select should also be shared by the hydraulic node (e.g. River Section node) receiving the inflow from the boundary node. After defining a label, click OK and the node will be added to the network table, nodes list table and map simultaneously.

    Your boundary node has been successfully added to your network!

    When you save your network, the nodes sharing the same name will then be shown connected.

    It is also possible to add hydrology nodes to your network using the menu accessed by right-clicking on the Network table. First highlight the node upstream from your new node, then select Insert > New unit from this menu. A new window will be displayed enabling you to select any node type including hydrology boundaries. You will then be prompted to provide the necessary node labels as described above.

    More about River Boundary Nodes

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