1D River Links Tab
    • 10 Jul 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    1D River Links Tab

    Article summary

    The 1D River Links tab of the 2D Simulation window is accessed by checking the box Include link to 1D river model provided on the General Tab.

    This tab is used to provide details about 1D river networks connected to the 2D domain to create an integrated simulation.


    River network

    This field is to provide the 1D river network file (extension .ief). A button to the right provides access to a standard Windows file explorer window to navigate to the file location. 

    Override simulation times checkbox

    A checkbox to override the start/end times of the 1D river simulation, checked off by default. By ticking this box, the 1D river component will assume the simulation start and end times from the 2D simulation.

    This is equivalent to setting the value of the overridetimes attribute in the <ief> element to “true” within the control file, e.g.

    <ief overridetimes="true">..\SWMM\LONG_Op1200_Linked1_15.inp</ief>

    Link-line details

    In this field details of the link-line shapefile(s) connecting the river network and the 2D domain should be provided. Buttons to the right enable the addition and removal of shapefiles. 

    Advanced Parameters

    The 1D River Links tab also displays some additional parameters that affect linking. Generally, these can be left at their default settings. The parameters are:

    • Weir discharge coefficient and weir modular limit – the weir discharge coefficient refers to the coefficient k in the weir equation Q=kbh1.5 and weir modular limit refers to the depth ratio above which the weir is considered drowned. These are global parameters that may be applied to any weir type links in your model. However, each individual weir link can have its own discharge coefficient specified as a feature attribute in the link shapefile. This value would override the global figure set in the 2D model interface (set the individual attribute value to “-9999”, the default value, to utilise the global setting).

    • Ground elevation auto-adjustment – this setting does not apply to river links.

    Toolbar functionality

    The toolbar provides functionality as follows:

    GPU Solver / CPU Solver

    Radio buttons to select the solver used for the simulation. Please see the page The GPU solver for further details.

    Threads to use in run

    A drop-down to provide the threads to use in CPU-based simulation runs. This field is disabled when the GPU solver radio button is selected.


    Runs the simulation. A new window will open providing live diagnostics and information about the simulation run. 


    Saves the details of the simulation.


    Closes the simulation window.

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